All posts by taylor.claxton

Skandia Theatern

Another interesting work done by Erik Gunnar Asplund is the Skandia Theatern. Once again he had an opportunity to display his interest in interior design as well. It featured special lamps that dropped down to look like stars. The theater apparently had a rocky time many years after its opening, being renamed, named back again, opening and closing (McBain, n.d.). Nevertheless, it is still regarded as a piece of history showcasing one of his Nordic Classic works. 

The 1930 Exhibition – Stockholm

To my surprise, Asplund was not just interested in the traditional architecture of his time and the Nordic Classicism, he played a very interesting role in ushering in a new stage for Swedish architecture during very changing times around 1930. In this year, Sweden held the Stockholm Exhibition where Asplund was key in the design. Everything from small items, furnishings, to complete building designs was on display but the styles strategically catered to more modern ones. They wanted to promote a new era that supported industry. I can imagine that some people would have had mixed feelings, but many people felt it was a good idea to bring in something new (Bullock, 2008). I found it very interesting Asplund’s involvement considering the achievements he’d had in the other designs already, but obviously they weren’t all he was up to! 

Listers Härads Tingshus

By this point in time, Asplund has apparently made a name for himself and got the opportunity to design a town courthouse. It is another famous example of his work still today. Another one of the things I learned about Erik Gunnar Asplund is that he was also into interior design. So not only did he design the building itself, but he also played a role in the furnishings and other pieces inside. It’s always interesting to learn what a person may have been thinking when they designed something one hundred years ago. The story goes in the article I read that Asplund’s wife was pregnant when he was designing this structure and that some aspects were designed with this in mind. Another example of Classicism from around 1920 (Listers Härads Tingshus, n.d.).

Stockholhm PUblic library

In the picture below is a very interesting example of the work of Gunnar Asplund. It’s a library, but not just any library. The Stockholm Public Library is a fascinating display of Nordic Classicism. According to The Museum of Modern Art, the rotunda (I found out what a rotunda is, like the one I grew up seeing in Chicago’s O’Hare airport) makes it possible for the public to retrieve books from the stacks without the help of a librarian. I love that the design is both nice to look at aesthetically but also is practical considering the number of books it must hold.

Chicago’s Symphony center

In high school I loved the experience of playing violin with the school orchestra. Every year, we would take a trip to a different city and compete at a competition. For the trip of my Junior year we had the opportunity to visit Chicago and also hear one of the best symphony’s in the world, the CSO. The Chicago Symphony Orchestra plays at the Symphony Center which has a huge performance hall. It was amazing to see how large it was and the design of the building inside. It is a fun experience to get dressed up and see so many other people dressed nicely to come enjoy the symphony. It is an experience I highly recommend. It is amazing to me how the sound fills the space and you can hear such a seemingly small instrument from so far away (we were seated high up in the hall). I also would have never guessed that such a huge performance hall fit so perfectly inside of a building that didn’t look big enough to from the outside. You would have no idea that it was there just passing by.


Carson Engineering Center

The Carson Engineering Center is the place where I had my very first class at OU. I can remember me and my mom walking on orientation day from near the dorm areas to this building and thinking about how I was going to walk all that way 3 times a week. I learned that it’s not so bad but I still chose to drive to a parking lot on Jenkins and walk from there which was closer. The interesting thing is that the course I had in this building was not an engineering course but rather Comp 1. I did enjoy the class so I don’t have bad memories or a bad experience coming to this building every MWF, but I guess I am reminded a little bit of the freshmen nerves that you experience going to your first class and trying to make sure you’ve arrived at the right place and on time. Also, I used to rush from this building to my car to drive to the Westheimer airport for flying so coming to this building made for an interesting freshmen experience.

Tulsa international airport

For many pilots, they dream of flying into their home airport. This airport holds a special place in their heart because it is probably the airport where they had their first flight. For me, that airport is Tulsa International. As an aviation enthusiast myself and pilot, I always loved flying out of this airport. When I was little, I can remember being so excited to go to the airport and see all the hustle and bustle before boarding the plane. This is my favorite airport also because of its simplicity, it is easy to get in and out of and only has one main terminal. Upon exiting security you can see both sides of the terminal and the aircraft that are there through large glass windows. The airport hasn’t seen many major additions or changes in a long time I believe but it still feels modern inside.

Roberts, C. (2013, May 30). Tulsa International Airport Tests Tornado Readiness. Public Radio Tulsa.

The Sears tower (now willis tower)

Whether I am arriving by plane or car, when I travel back to Chicago I am still filled with amazement at the sight of this magnificent building. It’s one of the first things I look for and notice once the skyline is in sight. Both sides of my family are originally from Chicago and my great grandfather even worked on The Sears Tower when it was being built. I can tell you that this building (which was also the tallest building in the world at one time) holds a special place in the heart of most Chicagoans. I have such wonderful memories visiting family and exploring different parts of the city. The Sears Tower reminds me of so many of the stories my family has to tell about growing up in Chicago and I think the building exemplifies the unique beauty of the city.

skyscraper view from body of water