All posts by sydneyjones62

Zaha Hadid: MAXXI

This is the MAXXI National Museum of 21st Century Art located in Rome, Italy. I wanted to write about this building because it is probably my least favorite of Zaha Hadid’s work. Her other buildings are more interesting and exciting than this one. One of my favorite elements that she incorporates in her work, large windows, is just not present here. Although the building has an interesting shape, it is not as intricate as some others. If I were to see this building without knowing about her other buildings, I would probably appreciate it more.

Zaha Hadid: Guangzhou Opera House

This is the Guangzhou Opera House in Guangzhou, China. This design is so intricate and beautiful. I love that all of the windows bring so much light inside. Zaha Hadid’s designs are always so intricate and exciting. This building is no exception. The shape is very abstract, and the placement of the glass is so interesting. The building is very bright on the inside from a combination of natural light and the use of white on the interior and exterior. Overall, this building is so cool and inviting.

Zaha Hadid: Heydar Aliyev Center

This is the Heydar Aliyev Center located in Baku, Azerbaijan. This building is used as an event space to celebrate the rich Azeri culture. The design of this building is breathtaking. The curved lines are captivating and unlike anything I have seen before. I love how complex the shape is, but it still is simplistic. This is one of my favorite buildings I have ever seen, it is definitely on my bucket list now.

Zaha Hadid: Port Authority Building

The Port Authority Building, designed by Zaha Hadid, is located in Antwerp, Belgium. This building serves as the headquarters of the port, housing over 500 hundred port employees. I find this building to be absolutely captivating. I love that this design combines traditional with modern architecture. One of my favorite elements on this structure is the amount of windows. I personally love when buildings allow a lot of natural light in, so the amount of windows in this building is amazing to me.

Empire State Building

We all know about the iconic Empire State Building. The building is truly a household name. However, I never realized how massive this building really is until last summer when me and two friends took a day trip to New York City. We had been walking around the city all day and I was exhausted, and then we finally made it to the foot of the Empire State Building. It was so tall that I could not even see the building in its entirety from the bottom. I was breaking my neck trying to see the very top. Unfortunately, we were not able to go to the top of the building because frankly, it was too expensive. But despite not being able to make it to the top, I thoroughly enjoyed my experience with this building.

Bass Performance Hall

The Bass Performance Hall is located in downtown Fort Worth, Texas. As I grew up just 30 minutes outside of Fort Worth, I have seen many performances here, and my prom was even right next door. The building is so beautiful on the inside and out. My favorite feature has always been the giant angels perched on the outside of the building. I have many fond memories here, but the ones that are most precious to me are the ones that I share with my grandma. My grandma loves to come to a special performance of the Nutcracker here every year. Unfortunately, she lives in Oklahoma City and the travel has gotten more difficult for her in recent years. But I will always cherish the times that we were able to go together.

Timberview High School

I attended Timberview High School in Mansfield, Texas from 2013-2017. The building itself had a very interesting layout, we always said that it resembled a spider. The building is centered around a giant circle that has four legs coming out of it, hence the spider nickname. My favorite part of the school was that center circle that we called “the commons.” The commons is where everyone would meet up with their friends between classes and after school. My high school experience within this building was mostly good. Its where I made lifelong friends and experienced teachers that shaped me into the person I am today. I am very grateful for this building and all of the people that it brought me to. However, I am even more grateful that I am done with that time of my life!

Will Rogers Memorial Building

The Will Rogers Memorial Building is located in Fort Worth, Texas, just about 30 minutes from my childhood home. I had many encounters with this building throughout my childhood because many of my dance competitions were located here. I know this building like the back of my hand. From the back entrances where I would sneak in and out to get some fresh air, to the crowded dressing rooms tucked under the stage, to the front lobby where I would run to hug my family after every performance. I have many fond memories of dancing on that big stage alongside my best friends and winning awards. I also have some less-fond memories of injuries, messing up on stage, and fatigue. I did a lot of growing up in that building, and it always feels so nostalgic to go back.