All posts by steven

Watercube, National Swimming Center – PTW Architects

Watercube, National Swimming Center is a unique waterpark in Beijing that was designed by PTW architect group. I think the outside of the building is very interesting and cool because the walls look like huge bubbles and change color at night. I think the color changing bubbles gives the building a fun appearance which attracts and amazes people nearby. When I saw this building for the first time, I could imagine it as a fun and popular place friends and families go to hang out at during a nice summer day or fun night cap. Even the structure outside the building brings people together as it has an open area with lights and water fountains in the ground kids can play in. I also find the bubble looking walls interesting because it easily allows natural sunlight into the building and brightens up the inside the waterpark. A positive aspect to this natural lighting, is that it allows people to enjoy the indoor waterpark and not have to worry about getting sunburn. Although this building seems very fun and exciting, I can also see the clumped bubble design to look very busy and distracting. Since there is a water park and recreational facility inside, I view that the bubbles may be too much for such a busy and active place.

John Vallance Recital hall

This project by PTW Architects is one of my favorite ones that I came across on their website. When I first clicked on it, I thought it was a basketball court but was surprised to see that it was actually a recital hall. The hardwood flooring is very nice and adds a sense of formality and grace to the room. The big open space with arches in the ceiling make it feel like a grand entrance way to some big mansion, and it makes the performance seem even more important and cool. I also like how the seats go around the stage so that people can get different perspectives on the performance unlike most recital halls that the audience is just directly in front of the stage only. The geometric designs on the wall adds depth to the open area and their unique design makes this a really cool and interesting building.

Viettel Headquarters – PTW Architects

Viettel Headquarters is another cool building that was designed by PTW architects. Most of the building is made out of glass walls and has a light color scheme throughout the rooms which gives a brighter and more open environment. I think it is interesting how its interior design is composed of lines and circles which seems simple but positioned in a unique way. I also think adding the various indoor plants inside the office gives the illusion of working outside in an open space rather than a typical office building that is crammed with cubicles. I think this open/bright environment gives a positive and creative influence on its employees. Although the building has many positive aspects, having too many glass walls can also be a negative thing. The glass walls can easily lead to distraction for workers as they can see activity around them. I also think having too many glass walls will make the building too bright inside work environments. This building is uniquely structured, and I think it brings a different and cool approach to the working environment.

524 Pacific Highway, St Leonards – PTW Architects

PTW is an Australian architecture firm from Sydney who designs cool and interesting buildings all over the world. One of the buildings that interested me the most is skyscraper/tower located at 524 Pacific Highway, St Leonards. The tall and lengthy building gives a breath-taking view from the outside of the entrance and even at the top levels having an amazing view of the city. Its urban design and structure reminds me of buildings in the modern-day future. I also think it is interesting how the building is located at a popular corner in town which attracts the attention to all who walks by. It is interesting how the stairs in front of the entrance uniquely conform/adjust to the location’s steepness as well. The negative aspect to the building is the lack of landscape as it is only a building covered and surround with cement and glass. This building can also give a representation of rural areas declining and city life taking over with it being in such enclosed area. Overall, the building I think the building is very interesting and uniquely designed which makes it stand out in both positive and negative ways.

University of Oklahoma – the cafe

The cafe is another building at OU that has influenced me throughout college. In a positive aspect, the building represented a place where you can get unlimited food from a variety of options. First going into the building, I thought it did not hold that much inside but soon found out its interesting structure and how it held many restaurants. I thought the circular structure of the building was interesting and I view it as a common place for students to come together as a whole; especially when it is in the center of the dorms and an easy walk to get to. The building also reminds me of the endless trips to chick-fil-a and freshens between or after classes, and the memories I made there during camp crimson. The cafe also impacted me in a negative aspect as the endless options of food soon felt overwhelming. The building speaks out the nightmare of freshman 15 as the unlimited food was very dangerous and attracted hungry students after classes. Although it was nice to have chick-fil-a everyday there, I soon began to get sick of eating there all the time and felt the greasy atmosphere when walking in. Now looking back at the café and all the positive and negative experiences it holds, it is an important place that represents good times during freshman year.

Oklahoma memorial stadium

One of the most influential buildings to me is the OU football stadium. The football stadium has been one of the highlights of my college experience because of all of the unforgettable games I have attended. With its circular structure, the building reminds me of a common place for hundreds of fans go to and cheer on the OU football team. I also think it is interesting how the building even has a second tier of seats at the top, allowing it to hold even more fans in the stadium. The building reminds me of the excitement of game day and feeling pride when walking through the entrance gates. I also think it is cool how its structure under the seats and inside the concessions allows the endless echoes of fans. The only negative aspect if the building is how the stadium is roofless and has a wide opening. This reminds me of standing endlessly during the games getting sun burnt or being freezing cold. Other than that downside, the building has impacted me in many positive ways and reminds me of watching great football with my friends.

Adams Dormitory

The first influential building I experienced at OU was Adams Dormitory. Adams dorm tower has brought both negative and positive experiences throughout my freshman year. On the negative side, the tower was the oldest out of all of the dorms and the structure of the building very small and tight. It reminds me of being crammed all the time into a small dorm room with my roommate and suite mates. The building also brings back positive memories of freshman year like getting to roommate and start day one of college with my high school best friend. Even though the building was very small and crammed, it reminded me the fun memories of living on campus and hanging out and playing video games with my friends. Being such a tall tower that is packed and crammed with freshman students, the building also represents a place that brought people together, hang out with friends, and make some of the best memories of college.

Price College of Business

One of the most influential buildings on campus to me is Price College of Business. Coming to OU my freshman year, I thought it was interesting how the campus had a more traditional look throughout its buildings. However, this also intimidated me going into Price College for the first time. With its tall and professional structure, I felt stress and fear from outside the building. Seeing so many students studying in the lounge and the mass lecture classrooms in Price, I began to imagine myself studying for hours in the building and feared failure. Besides this negative feeling, Price began to impact me in a positive way as I got to meet new people and attend class with friends. The building also represents a safe place that I know I can go to and study or get help from professors/advisors. This building has impacted me in both positive and negative ways as it holds many great college memories of mine and has helped me learn and grow into the person I am today.