All posts by Simonenicole05

Make architect- The luna

The first thing that comes to mind when I look at this building is 3-D pop-up. I think the architecture behind this building is very creative and interesting. I like the way it looks on the outside and I like how the patio comes out away from the building. When I look at this building I definitely get luxury vibes and money. I feel like this company makes a lot of modern and luxury looking buildings.

Make architect- The madison

The height of this building is very cool. When I first looked at this building the first thoughts that came to mind were expensive and boujiee. I don’t think this is ever a building I would walk in to because I feel like the people would be snobby but I love the structure of this building and how elegant it looks. The name of the building “The Madison” is also what made me look at the building the way I did.

Make architect- Dunbar place

This building looks very different and thats the reason it caught my attention. I like the fact that the build is more narrow and tall rather than wide. I wondered why the building looked staggered but once I read what the building was about it was designed after Chinese interlocking toy puzzles. If I was out looking for a new apartment this is the kind of apartment building I would be looking for. I like the height of the building and I also like how modern they look just because I feel like thats the new style. I definitely think this international architect business has great taste when it comes to building.

Make ARCHITECTS- Modern house

Make architects is an international business located in London. When i first saw this house they made it instantly drew my eye because this is the kind of house that I want when I start a family. I am a person of simplicity so when I saw the white exterior it caught my eye. I like the fact that this house does not look like you average house that would usually be in a neighborhood. When I looked on the inside I also liked the glass features on the inside of the house. This house was very impressive.

OU- Norman

This school has many different buildings but as a whole I find joy in this school… well sometimes. This is the college I have been going to for 2 years now and at the end of this year I will have my bachelors degree from here. It is an amazing school and I have done and met some incredible people here however there are downfalls to this school. Their has been times I have felt so uncomfortable and judged at this school because my race isn’t the majority but i never let that stop me from why I came here in the first place. One of my favorite things about this school is the stadium and football games. That has been one of the funniest experiences in my time of being here at OU. Ive always came to OU football games even when I attended another college back in Texas but there is nothing like going o an OU football game and being a current student there. OU has gave me so many great friends and memories and I will forever be thankful for that!

Dallas Cowboys stadium

This will forever be my most favorite building ever. The Dallas Cowboys are my favorite NFL football team. Im from Dallas so of course this is my fav football team however they’re also my favorite because they are the BEST football team despite hardly ever making it to playoffs better yet a super-bowl. I do not allow Dallas Cowboys slander so please keep your comments to yourself haha. I have so many great memories of being at this place. Whether it was for pro football, high-school, or college football i was always having the time of my life when I was here.

Reunion Tower- Dallas

With me growing up in Dallas my whole life I never understood what could be in this building or how they even made it like this. As I got older I got more and more interested to go into this building because I love heights and its very tall. I don’t have many memories inside the building but it’s definitely apart of Dallas’s skyline. If you’re familiar with Dallas you would know this is a pretty famous building. I love how the ball on top rotates constantly and how it turns colors at nighttime. This building will forever be a part of my childhood.

Northside highschool- My highschool i Graduated from

Wow, this school made me sick when I pulled up next to it every day. This is the high-school I graduated from in Arkansas. The teachers and people there were always so mean. Anything negative you can think about was attached to this schools name. Yes, I had my good days but at the same time it stripped all my energy away from me everyday I would walk in there for class. One great thing came from me going here each day and that was me obtaining my diploma!