All posts by shouston

My old house

The way buildings are designed changes based on how they need to work with their environment. Here in Oklahoma, Air conditioning is far more important most of the year than heat is. Since cold air sinks, you need the household vents on the ceiling so that all of the cold air doesn’t stay settled on the floor in the summer. In a colder climate like Wyoming, it’s the opposite. You put the vents on the floor so that the hot air doesn’t stay stuck on the ceiling in the wintertime. This feature actually saved my life once.
It was back when I lived here.

Dad took this photo

Gosh I don’t miss that place.
Any-who, like I was saying, Wyoming is cold. In the winter you can feel the inside of your nose start to freeze after just a couple of minutes.
As cold as it is in the winter though, the other kids on the bus were still obnoxious so one day in the winter I decided to walk home instead of dealing with the loud and noisy bus. I was walking through the park, and they’d put up secondary fencing to catch the blowing snow. The snow drifts that piled up there were easily chest high to a grade schooler, and usually stiff and crunchy on the top. There was snow blowing around, I was pulling my feet up almost knee high for every step I took, and probably ten minutes in puffing for breath, nose numb, cold and tired after school… I was feeling pretty tired. I just wanted to take a short rest and close my eyes for a few minutes…
And I did. I lay down on a snow drift and closed my eyes. I was cold. I was so cold. And tired. But…
It would just be so much nicer to take my nap at home. I’d grab my fluffiest blanket and a cup of cocoa and wrap it over the warm air piped straight from the floor vent and nest up in a tiny warm cocoon. Yeah. It would be nicer to curl up around the floor vent.
So I opened my eyes. I picked myself up from the snow. I finished my slog home.The floor vent was a much nicer place for my nap. The design features of my old house saved my life.

Brink Jr. high

Brink Jr. high campus was the first time I remember being introduced to the idea of a courtyard- which is something I love and wish was put into more buildings. After lunch there was an area between the main classes, the gym and band room building, and the portables. It wasn’t a very good courtyard. One side is a parking lot and decoration is minimal. But it was an outdoors area with shade from the buildings, benches, and trees. It really was the nicest part of the school by far. Brink Jr high also has decorative arches on the covered walkways between several buildings.

An overhead view of the place with an idea of a courtyard. There are three trees around it, and a hexagonal table structure near the middle.

The library

Natrona county public library. I spent a lot of free time there in 5th and 6th grade. There’s jack to do in Wyoming, especially when the snow piles up in the winter. The snow is too dry to even make snowmen out of. So their library was actually pretty nice. Many stories, and the upper level had a teenager loft area. Carpeted with tv and manga. There was an area for kids books at the bottom level that was cozy too. I don’t remember the rest. I remember going back frequently and checking if the next volume in whatever series I was reading had been returned yet so I could read it. I really liked the multi stories, divided by who’d hang out where.

I forgot where I found the picture from. Sorry

James Gallier, Gallier hall

Alright, now we have one named after him. Gallier Hall is a City hall in New Orleans. It still gets used for event too.

It’s Greek style. Marble. Columns. It has steps going up the front and a nice carving over the entrance. It also has two stories with several windows set in around it. Quite noble to look at. I like the horizontal striping at the bottom too.

(2016, Jan, 13). Historic Gallier Hall. [online]. Available:

James Gallier: Pontalba Buildings

James Gallier and Henry Howard designed the Pontalba Buildings in the mid 1800’s. They were contributed by Baroness Pontalba as the are had previously not had much thought put into beauty of the area. This actually caused others in the area to improve the other buildings around it as well.

It features pillars, wrought iron fences, and the building is divided into thirds as it goes up. On the top there is a triangular face with a window built into it.It covers the walkways below the levels, and in New Orleans I’m sure the shade is appreciated.

H. Irvin. (2018). Pontalba Buildings [online]. Available:

James Gallier, Christ Church Catherdral

A New Orleans church became too small for it’s congregation, and they got James Gallier and James Dakin to draw hem some plans for a new and bigger one. It has since been redone again, by Gallier Jr. since then. Back when the second building as up, it featured columns large front doors. and was styled similarly to Greek temples. It had a cross on the front displayed prominently above the columns.

Christ Church Cathedral. A brief History [online]. Availible:

James Gallier, Barton Academy

Some of the design features include a surrounding fence, columns, and a sort of splitting of the lower floor from the rest. The columns don’t actually touch the ground, but are standing on the lower floor. On the top of the academy is a ring of columns, supporting a dome, supporting another smaller ring of columns, holding up another smaller dome.
Barton Academy is Alabama’s first public school, Designed by James Gallier, Charles Dakin, and James Dakin. In 1970 it was placed in the National Register of Historic Places.

(2013).Barton History. bartonacademy [online]. Available:

Bass Pro Pyramid

Bass Pro Pyramid is a place I went with my mom the other summer, on a road trip to visit relatives. On the inside it has a cool fake river with decorative fish and gators. And shopping, of course. It has its pillars textured to look like trees, which works well with the chains outdoors theme.
You can take an elevator to the clear top to eat at their restaurant (we didn’t) and get a great view of the Mississippi river. There’s a small platform you can barely see in the picture, which is clear on the bottom so you can look down from above. America doesn’t have many pyramids, so a giant lit up one is defiantly going to make people want to drop in and look at your store.