All posts by Shawn Pokharel

Glenn Murcutt: Bushland Home

Glenn Murcutt Bushland home

Australian Architect Glenn Murcutt winner of the Pritzker Architecture prize in 2002, designed this home nestled in the wilderness with a unique property. The home itself is protected by zinc panels used to defend against potential wildfires. What’s also interesting is that this home was angled to preserve as much of the surrounding wildlife as possible.

From inside the home

This project, along with many others that Murcutt has designed, took a full decade to complete. Honestly, it was worth the wait because the character that the room above shows is hard to replicate. The home is surrounded by wilderness whilst having a modern interior makes it that more interesting to me.

Glenn Murcutt: MPavillion

Glenn Murcutt’s MPavilion

Erected annually since 2014, the MPavilion is a temporary pavilion located in Queen Victoria Gardens in Melbourne, Australia. In 2019, Australian architect Glenn Murcutt chose a minimalistic design for this past year’s pavilion.

Top view of pavilion

Glenn Murcutt was interviewed about the pavilion and said his inspiration for the roof came from an airplane wing he stayed underdoing a holiday. What’s interesting about these pavilions is that they are built every year, and the old pavilion is moved to another location such as a museum.

Glenn Murcutt: Australian Islamic Centre

Australian Islamic Centre in Melbourne

Australian Architect Glenn Murcutt with the help of architect Hakan Elevi, worked on designing this Islamic Centre in Melbourne for close to 10 years. Completed in 2016, this Islamic center was designed for the growing Islamic population in Melbourne, providing a mosque and community center. The center itself is designed to show off the lantern lights on the ceiling and its interior’s unique design. Coming off of Glenn Murcutts Pritzer Prize win, this was his next major project worked on. His early sketches of the mosque are something of an art in it itself as well.

Glenn Murcutt’s sketches of Melbourne Islamic Centre
Interior of Islamic Centre

Glenn Murcutt: Berowra Waters Inn

Berowa Waters Inn

Located in Berowra Waters, Australia, this inn was designed by renowned Australian architect Glenn Murcutt. Upon researching this inn, I found that one of its unique qualities is that it is only accessible by private ferry. The inn itself represents the cutting edge fine dining of Australian cuisine and is often open to the public. Notably, for Glen Murcutt, this piece of architecture won him the Pritzker Prize in 2002. If I am ever in Australia, I hope to see this inn and try its Australian cuisine.

Balcony of Berowra Waters Inn

Tulsa Gathering Place

Tulsa Gathering Place

I grew up in Tulsa, Oklahoma, which, to be honest, isn’t the most exciting place, in my opinion. Having said that, Tulsa’s Gathering Place is easily the best place to visit in Tulsa. Although it is just a park, many different pieces of buildings make this park very interesting to visit. The entire park costs almost $500 million to complete, providing education opportunities, and is completely free to enter. I myself have visited this park at least thirty times since its opening in 2018. Here are some images of how beautiful the park is.

Michael F. Price Hall

Michael F. Price Hall

As a student in the management information systems program at the University of Oklahoma, I am apart of the Michael F. Price College of Business. This building is very significant to me because many of the course I have taken has been inside this very building along with Adams hall adjacent to it. The individuals who have influenced my life have all taught or practice in this building. Ranging from students, professors, and advisors, all these individuals have shaped me as a person today within the price hall. If I were to close my eyes, I could navigate the building with ease because it’s almost second nature to me to traverse through this building. After I graduate this semester, this will be one of the buildings I will truly miss visiting on campus.

Bizzell Memorial Library

Bizzell Memorial Library

The library on campus is probably my most favorite building on campus. I have many memories here since freshman year-long nights studying with friends having a great time, and having easy access to coffee. I’ve switched majors during my time here at the University of Oklahoma, so the buildings I attend for the class have majorly changed. The only thing that has remained constant in the four years I have been on campus has been Bizzell.

The library my favorite building on campus; it also contains my favorite room on campus, the great reading room. When I need to focus on a test completely, the great reading room is my go-to place to study. The absolute quiet is something that no other place on campus is capable of.

Chichen Itza

Chichen Itza temple

Over Christmas break in 2016, I was fortunate enough to visit one of the new seven wonders of the world. Although you are unable to walk up the stairs the structure itself is absolutely breathtaking. During the tour, we were told that during ceremonies the priests would stand at the top whilst all the members of the civilization would stand at the base. What’s interesting is that the Chichen Itza temple was built in a way where clapping at the base had unique acoustic sounds. It is hard to explain but when an individual clap at the base the feeling would be felt traveling up the stairs.

Grand Ball Court

Not too far from the temple itself, is a ball court that the Mayans would play at. What’s interesting is there are several rings on both sides of the court. It most similarly depicts the sport in the fictional setting of Harry Potter Quidditch. The game itself requires teams to toss a ball through the hoops.