All posts by RyanFahey

Thermal Bath Vals – Peter Zumthor

Constructed in 1996 from the remnants of a cheaply built and defuct hotel in Switzerland, Zumthor was able to turn the land into a stunning thermal bath house. The design creates a thermal bath from the nearby mountain which stays steady at a nice 86 degrees. This bath house is low to the ground and has concrete rooms that are centered around the main bath. The bath house has been a huge attraction, and has brought much more people to the town. Sitting in hot spring water being able to look up at a beautiful mountain perfectly explains why the building would be so popular, and I think this is my favorite location out of all of Zumthor’s buildings, even if it is not the most interesting design. It is impressive how Zumthor was able to take a run down hotel and make use of his surroundings to create a widely popular attraction.

Swiss Sound Box – Peter Zumthor

Created for a 2000 Swiss Exhibition, Peter Zumthor designed the Swiss Sound Box Pavillion to create a design that would really stimulate the senses of those who visited. The main element of the building, and why it was called the sound box, is it is designed for sounds to reverberate around the building. The building is also very porous to allow for outside sights, sounds and smells to enter the building, so you are truly surrounded by something that stimulates the senses on all sides. The building is made from wood and is does not have a very elaborate structure, but it is definitely something interesting to look at. It is very apparent how Zumthor was able to actualize his goal of stimulating the senses with limited space of operation.

Brother Klaus Field Chapel – Peter Zumthor

Brother Klaus Field Chapel was designed by Peter Zumthor in Germany in 2007. The Chapel sits alone in a large, flat field, and seems to reach high in the sky compared to it’s surroundings. The building was constructed from 112 tree trunks to create a large wooden prism. The roof is made from molten lead, and looks great in contrast with the wood walls. Looking up towards the cieling from the inside gives you a great vision of how high up the chapel reaches, along with seeing the great design of the cieling. The cieling is partially open, so it is penetrated by both light and rain, which combines with the wooden walls to create a very natural feeling. The entrance for the building is a triangle, which adds more unique flare to this chapel. Zumthor really outdid himself by creating a building that remained in touch with nature will still creating an innovative design.

Saint Benedict Chapel – Peter Zumthor

Built in 1988 in Switzerland, Saint Benedict Chapel is a very unique baroque style chapel. The chapel is shaped like a boat, and rises above it’s surroundings. It is also flanked by a giant chapel bell, which makes the building stand out. The true beauty of the building is the inside, which is cylinder shaped due to the shape of the outer wall. The inside is lined with wooden shingles that spiral up the cylinder up to an amazing cieling. In between the shingles are vertical windows which allow the room to be flooded with light, and create an interesting design because of the positioning of the windows and shingles. Zumthor’s design is simple yet unique and visually pleasing. It is definitely one of the more interesting chapels I have seen.

United center – chicago, il

The United Center was built in 1994 in Chicago Illinois. It is currently the home to both the Chicago Bulls and Chicago Blackhawks. Of all the buildings I have covered, this is undoubtedly the worst design of all the buildings, yet it is probably my favorite of all the buildings. The front of the building is bland, with a few large glass windows and a few signs. The United Center front doors are labeled with something that you would see at a movie theater. Once you go inside, however, everything changes. In one atrium, a massive statue to Michael Jordan, who lead the bulls to a second three-peat inside the United Center. Entering in to the arena, you can look up in the rafters and see a litany of banners for all of the Bulls achievements, along with all of the Blackhawks achievements. The United Center is referred to as the Madhouse on Madison, because it is almost always packed to the rafters full of fans who are energetic and eager to root on their team. The Bulls and Blackhawks are two of my favorite things in the world, so I have many amazing memories going to games with friends and family. The combination of personal importance to me, with the electric atmosphere and the constant reminders of all of the glory and history that has been achieved under the same roof makes the United Center my favorite building.

US Capitol Building – Washington dc

The US Capitol Building was constructed in the year 1800 in Washington DC. The building is one of the most important and historic buildings in our country, and has been in service for all but five years, after it was damaged in the buring of Washington DC in the year 1814. The building is pearly white, and looks like a palace equipped with a massive staircase, large pillars and a massive dome covering the building. While the building is beautiful to look at from the outside, the main draw for me is the inside. The inside itself is very nice, as you can see incredible paintings and statues all over, but the main draw is the feeling you get when you are inside. Knowing that you are in the same building where the house and senate make all of the laws for our country, knowing all the siginificant people that have worked inside the building, and knowing all of the historic and world altering events and decisions that have happened in the building, it is impossible not to feel like you are surrounded by history. I loved how special the building felt, and just how important everything in the building was. I had the luxury of visiting the Capitol with someone who worked there, so I was able to access some of the areas that the average person would not be able to see. Touring the Capitol made it my favorite building in Washington DC, which is one of my favorite cities I have ever been to from an architectural standpoint. I think every American citizen should visit the Capitol to really feel our nations history.

Florence Cathedral

The Florence Cathedral was constructed from the years 1296 to 1436 in Florence, Italy. The Cathedral is one of the most iconic buildings, and as can be seen in the photo, stands high above the city of Florence. What is especially amazing about this Cathedral is the massive dome over the main part of the cathedral, called the duomo. The inside of the duomo is filled with incredible paintings, and you are able to view them up close because there is a stairway that spirals up the duomo to the top. There are 463 steps that take you from the streets of Florence to the top of the duomo, where you can then look out on the rest of the city. I would consider this to be the most amazing building I have ever been able to personally visit in my life. From looking at the amazing exterior of the building from the street, to walking up the steps and getting to see the beautiful paintings, to getting to look out on the rest of the city from the top, I think back on my trip to the Florence Cathedral as one of the coolest things I have ever gotten to do, and for that reason this building means a lot to me.

Soldier Field – Chicago, IL

Soldier Field opened in 1924 in Chicago, and is primarily known for hosting the Chicago Bears, who have played there since 1971. Soldier Field is often compared to a spaceship because of how unqiue the exterior of the stadium looks. I find the entire experience at Soldier Field to be amazing, and it is one of my favorite sports stadiums I have ever visited. When you approach the stadium everyone filters through a tunnel into the grand entrance, which can be seen in the bottom left of the photo above. Inside the stadium, I always walk over by the massive columns that are on one side. The great thing about Soldier Field is it is positioned on the lakefront, so you can look out onto the lake and see the entire Chicago skyline from inside the stadium. While the building itself is amazing, it is special to me because of the atmosphere inside. The stadium seats are extremely steep, the weather during football season is usually quite cold, especially with the lake effect wind, but despite that, the atmosphere inside the stadium is always electric. I have been able to witness some huge victories and crushing defeats, I have seen people cheer, laugh and cry all inside Soldier Field. The amazing memories I have inside this amazing building ensure that the spaceship will always hold a special place inside my heart.