All posts by rubellgoe

Baltimore Basilica

This building really struck out to me and it known as Benjamin Lathrobe’s most famous design. This view you can really see all the textures and shades that blend in really well together. What I like most are the pillars in the front.

Cotton Bowl

This is the best stadium in the country and hosts the best rivalry of football. It’s the game of OU vs Texass. I have been going to this game since I was in elementary school. There is nothing like it and I truly am living my best life when I am here.

Michael F. Price

This is where I do all my college classes at. We have a very love-hate relationship. It gets me very stressed when I go there for tests but I am glad I am in the business school. It also has a pretty nice walk up to it.


This is Edna’s. Every time we get back to town for the breaks, it is a great spot for a sort of reunion. It is a very positive place and great to catch up with people. It always will hold a special place in my heart.