All posts by probablymayan

Houari Boumedienne Agricultural Village – Ricardo Bofill

Another fantastic piece of work utilized to give desert workers a place to stay for the night. The blockiness of this entire building looks like one big abstract Picasso painting. The corners and angles are exaggerated to give the building a great geometrical aesthetic to it that you probably haven’t seen before. This building for sure gives me post-apocalyptic vibes and seems like it was made in the future and for the future. The navy blue color stands out during the day when the sun is high in the sky, but I can definitely see the building washing out as the color of the sky because a darker blue as the day goes on. Amazing!

Les Arcades du Lac – ricardo Bofill

Du Lac’s purpose was to reduce the overcrowding in Paris by erecting buildings for people to live in. Bofill put this place on an artificial lake to resemble the upper echelons installment of or castles on large bodies of water. My first impression was, “this looks like a Univeristy campus”! The next idea I had was that it looked like some maximum security prison or a very important military headquarters. I really like the pier type placement because I have never seen buildings sit on the water like that before. This whole place is one big symmetrical setting that shows newer clues to its importance the more you look at it!

Plexus – Ricardo bofill

I never would have imagined this place being home to villas an apartments for people to live in. It almost looks like some dystopian elementary school playground from the 1950s. I really like the rough, gritty, and rustic look the building gives off making it look like it has been sitting there for hundreds of years. There are obvious shapes that Bofill decided to use to make each angle of this building symmetrical. This structure also looks like a huge maze and was also one of Bofills original works.

La Muralla Roja – Ricardo Bofill

This amazing building was constructed on the side of a rocky cliff of Calpe, overlooking Spain’s Costa Blanca. The view out to the ocean is amazing because it has a nice contrast between the blue and red primary colors. It almost looks like a red maze or a huge unfinished set of just red loge pieces. Roja also gives off the impression of being part of an optical illusion museum because it looks like you could get to just about anywhere! I love this shot because it’s taking advantage of my two favorite colors in the same setting. I also get a surreal vibe as well.

Sydney Opera House – SYdney, Australia

This building is by far one of my favorites in the entire world. The structure of the building is not only unique but it is also entails wild colors and patterns that project onto its sides from the surrounding lights. This building stands out among all other buildings during the day but is a light show at night–the lights on the building change to different colors and patterns all throughout the year. This building has always fascinated me because it almost looks like the back of a dragon or reptile that’s emerging from the ocean (Godzilla). It also looks like a school of dolphins just jumping out of the water.

Tower of the americas – SA, Texas

This is the tallest building in San Antonio. Below it is a convention center that holds very important conferences that benefit the city of SA. This building can be seen about 20 miles from SA and is a light show at night. You can go up to the top via an elevator that takes 2 minutes, and you can have a very nice classy date with your boo thang! My first experience was (damn that building is tall), I got right up underneath it and realized its close to 100 ft tall. next to it is the AT&T center where the SA Spurs play basketball! I also wanted to stay away from it because I am incredibly afraid of heights and want nothing to do with the restaurant up top!

The ALAMO – sa, tEXAS

The Alamo

This is one of the most iconic historical buildings in San Antonio. Living in SA for 13 years has allowed me to have many encounters with this building. Texas history states this used to be a fort that resulted in the last stand of early days Texans against the invading Mexican army. The aesthetics of the building give you an old world vibe and gives you an idea of how the structure of buildings were composed of back in the day. The front door is the entrance into the fort thats behind it. My lasting impression will always be how the battle was fought hard and long even though the Texans were severely outnumbered. The famous “come and take it” slogan is a great depiction of the events that happened here.


the University of Oklahoma Physical Science center

This building is divided into 3 main parts. There is the main lecture building which consists of the base of the building (operating part of a blender), the several story section that rises almost as tall as Dale Hall (the actual blender part), and then a connecting building to the Old Science building that is used for the associated labs that the lecture halls require you to have. When I first came to campus everyone called it the blender because it sum’s up what the building looks like. Science has a bunch of tools that make them looks like everyday appliances which makes the name suitable for this science building. At first I didn’t see the building that way, I initially thought it looked more like a blocky foot from the side. I realized that the entirety of the main building seems to have no windows which is different from most of the other buildings on campus.