All posts by mstanton28

Purcell Jr high

In 2008 Purcell opened the doors to the new high school, replacing this building pictured above. This was the high school from like 400B.C. to 2008, then it was repurposed to be the new jr. high for Purcell. I was lucky enough to attend this school for two years. These two years of school were by far the worst years of I have ever experienced. This building was disgusting; moldy ceiling tiles everywhere, flooring peeling up, nasty smells, just all around a terrible school. The board of education finally decided to build a new jr. high this year. Good for those kids, but that death trap of a school built character, and none of these upcoming generations will ever have to face adversity in their plush new jr. high at Purcell.

Rose briar place


On July 6 I asked my girlfriend to marry me, thankfully she said yes. The next day the wedding planning storm began. being a guy, I was prepared to have a courthouse wedding and save a ton of money, unfortunately, my fiancé did not like that idea. After extensive research on virtually every venue in Oklahoma, we decided on rose briar. I was sold on rose briar after we took the tour, looking at the pictures online did not do it justice compared to what it looks like in person. It use to be a church, so it has a chapel, but they also added on an outdoor area that is absolutely stunning. I will say I was skeptical when we first pulled up, because the front was not super special. Whenever we walked out back to see the area where our ceremony will be held, I knew that it was the place for us. So, this building is special to me because I am going to spend the happiest day of my life here.

Gould hall

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In the fall of 2018 I transferred to the University of Oklahoma from Oklahoma City Community College. My major at OCCC was biology, I thought I wanted to be a physical therapist like my parents, I quickly realized that was not for me. My buddies dad had recently started a construction company and offered me a job. Long story short, I fell in love with construction, and decided I wanted to go to OU to major in construction science. The first time I laid eyes on Gould Hall, I felt like I was home. I remember walking under that arch for the first time. At that time in my life I had a lot of motivation, that has kind of dwindled, unfortunately. Gould will always be a special place to me, just because it is kind of the start of my career, the architecture is also appealing as well. All in all, I love Gould Hall, but I can’t wait to get out of there.

Mcfarlin United methodist church

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I grew up in a small town about twenty five minutes south of Norman, so we used to come up to campus for dinner fairly often. For some reason, we always ended up driving by this church, and it always took my breath away. It was massive compared to the church I went to, I think that is why it impressed me so much. When I was younger I thought it had to be the most impressive work of architecture in the world, looking back it definitely is not. Either way, this building still catches my eye every time I drive bye it, it always brings back good memories of quality family time. I have never been inside, which is weird because I grew up Methodist, so I am going to make it a goal to go to a service there as soon as COVID is eradicated.