All posts by mrblh56


The Jewish Museum Berlin, which opened to the public in 2001, exhibits the social, political and cultural history of the Jews in Germany from the fourth century to the present. Daniel Libeskind’s design, which was created a year before the Berlin Wall came down, was based on three insights:  it is impossible to understand the history of Berlin without understanding the enormous contributions made by its Jewish citizens; the meaning of the Holocaust must be integrated into the consciousness and memory of the city of Berlin; and, finally, for its future, the City of Berlin and the country of Germany must acknowledge the erasure of Jewish life in its history. The museum is one of Germany’s most frequented museums (more than 10.8 million visitors between 2001 and 2016).


Corals is a highly sustainable mid-rise residential complex situated on the historic King’s Dock on Keppel Bay in Singapore. The 11-building complex ranges in height from 4 to 12 stories and is comprised of 366 luxurious waterfront homes. The building was started in 2013 and completed in 2016 by Daniel Libeskind.

Dancing Towers

The Dancing Towers are three 41-story residential towers in the Seoul South Korea in which Daniel Libeskind did the plan. The design was inspired by the traditional Korean Buddhist dance of Seung-Moo, where the billowing sleeves of a dancer’s gown are gracefully propelled by her movements. Each tower features a subtle rotation to create a sense of movement. The rotation and twists in each tower are supposed to maximize light, air, and views in the relatively dense configuration.

World Trade Center

In 2002, the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation (LMDC) announced a competition for a master plan to develop the 16 acres in Lower Manhattan destroyed by the terrorist attack of 9/11. Daniels Libeskind’s design, “Memory Foundations,” won the commission. One World Trade opened in early 2015 with the symbolic height of 1,776 feet. 

Empire state building

This is the Empire State Building in New York City and I visited it when I was younger.  This building is huge and if you ever have been to the top the view is astounding.  When you get to the top you can see all New York.  When I went when I was younger, I was so high up that I was scared.  It was my first time being in a building that tall, so I was shaking and holding on to my mother at first.  Eventually I calmed down and could finally take in a enjoy the beautiful views that it offers.  I would definitely go again and would recommend anyone else in going.

Locust st

This house is where I grew up from middle school to high school.  I was homeschooled from the 6th grand until I graduated high school, so this is house if very special to me because it is where I spent most of my time growing up.  It is very small and over 100 years old it is one of the oldest homes in my town.  There was a big yard next to the house so I would either have friends come over and we play outside, or I would be inside playing video games are doing schoolwork.  This house has taught me many things about life, and I am glad I called it home for so many years.

Gaylord Memorial Stadium

When I was younger, I was also a huge Adrian Peterson fan.  When I saw him set the freshman rushing record with 1,925 yards during the 2004 season that is when I became a fan of the Oklahoma sooners.  Since I became a fan, I always had wanted to attend a game but never could due to financial reasons.  In fall 2019 when I transferred to OU I finally got my first opportunity to attending and OU football game and it was an experience of a lifetime.  From the screaming fans or the sea of white and crimson it was very enjoyable, and I will continue to try to go to as many football games as possible.

Cotton Bowl

This is the Cotton Bowl Stadium at the State Fair of Texas.  This stadium means a lot to me because as a kid I grew up a huge football fan. Growing up in Texas the Red River Rivalry was always a staple of the fair.  As a kid I always wanted to go game and finally in 2019 I got a chance. When I first arrived at the State Fair of Texas, I was bombarded with the smells and sounds.   I made my way to the Cotton Bowl, walked into the stadium and instantly heard the roar of the crowd. My eyes lit up as I walked down into the sea of crimson and looked across the stadium to the wave of burnt orange.  It was an experience I will never forget.