All posts by Mike McFadden

Make Architects – St. Jame’s Market Phase 2

The elegance of this piece of work speaks by itself due to the sheer spectacle of its look. The flexible floor plates showcase a great deal of support for the KPIs from the rest of the building. It lies in the heart of London, UK. These conjoint structures range anywhere from 5 to 8 stories tall as well as include the Grade II-listed Empire Cinema. On the ground floor is room to host wellbeing, cultural and leisure-based amenities. The dimensions of this breathtaking building is 3,680m^2/39,600ft^2.

Make Architects – Rainbows

The Rainbow design from Make Architects is a strikingly simple modern house. This house a lot to offer its residents however, whether it be from high levels of comfort and durability to using materials that correlate with its surroundings. The upper portion of this house is composed of large panels of stainless steel. It acts as a lookout as it faces out towards the east. This beautiful home holds 5 bedrooms. This house consists of clad in stone and dark timber, with floor-to-ceiling glazing. The sustainable designs include a green roof, solar panels, air source heat pump, and LED lighting. The dimensions of this home is 380m^/4,000ft^2 and it is located in Essex, UK.

Make Architects – 80 charlotte Street

80 Charlotte Street took this London providence by storm. This complex has 55 new apartments, a café as well as a restaurant. The entrance of this beautiful building is framed by a monolithic weathered steel structure. Throughout this whole structures residents have access to rooftop views. This building utilizes to the fullest its floor-to-ceiling heights. This is achieved by highly integrated structure and services. The windows to this building are Crittall as well as the entrance doors are blackened oak veneer. The floors of this structure are made of band-sawed timber and grooved timber panelling. The dimensions of this building is 34,500m^2/371,000ft^2.

Make Architects – 36 Carrington Street

36 Carrington Street is one of Make Architects more sleek designs. It expresses new frontages with it almost being entirely made up of windows. This beautiful complex lies in the heart of Sydney Australia. Its modern design is showcased through the gradually contrasting outward of windows as the building goes up. The windows come more and more out of the wall itself as the building gets higher as well. The larger windows are for the accommodation of the double bays located on the 10th floor. 36 Carrington is a 5-star building as well as showcases its elegance with the with smoked oak veneer linings and black leather banquette seating. This is a 3000m^2/32300ft^2 property.

Cheyenne Mountain Highschool

Highschool was considerably one of the most memorable points in anyones life aside from college. For me, seeing this high school invoked positivity. Highschool for me was a very freeing experience and I tried to make everyday worth it. There has been plenty of people who have complained about how they hated high school and how they never wanted to go back but I am not one of those people. My school got a remodel during my sophomore year that lasted throughout my experience so every year we had to expect something new. I loved the remodel as well as all the people that I stayed friends with throughout the years. Looking back being in high school and seeing this building everyday made my life a better place. I’m thankful for all the experiences and people I met along the way at this place.

The Crowne Plaza

The Crowne Plaza in downtown Dallas Texas is the Mecca for happiness in my life. When I enter the city of Dallas I know its only for one thing, and that’s for OU football to wipe the floor of the Longhorns. The reason why I also love Dallas is for the royal Crowne Plaza hotel. A multitude of memories have been made here and none of them are in the slightest bad. The Crowne Plaza has been a wonderful host to me and my friends year after year and I believe it will continue to do so. When we get the balcony room at this hotel it is filled with over 50 of my closest friends so there isn’t a bad vibe in sight. The Crowne Plaza really gives me pure happiness and it makes me very thankful to be surrounded by the people who I am today.

Physical Science Building

This building greatly impacted my time at OU, and not in a positive way. I had math in this building for two years so this led me to completely dread everything about it. For starters the walk there was the longest of my class schedule and the building itself is one of the ugliest things I’ve seen. The walls on the inside as well as the outside scream depression and I have yet to witness anyone confess their love for this building either. The first math class I had in this building also turned out to be one of my worst grades I’ve ever received in college. This building has left a lasting affect on me even now that I do not have classes in it. I don’t see any positives about it and nor will I ever.

The Broadmoor World Arena

The world arena holds a dear spot in my heart. When I first moved to Colorado it was the first building I ever noticed. As a young child it took my by surprise at its sleek design as well as size. The words “World Arena” had a great impact on my young mind because at the time I thought everyone in the world came to this place. Then as I grew older I knew that was not the case. As my time in Colorado came to an end once again I came in contact with this place. Although this time it was not a Hello, but in fact a goodbye. My Highschool graduation was held here and that marked the last step of my time in Colorado. From there on out I was on to Oklahoma to pursue my degree as a Sooner. I will never forget about the Arena as it was my first and last friend in Colorado.