All posts by mckenziemorgan

Chancellery & Business School

McKenzie Morgan

Francis-Jones Morehen Thorp (FJMT), an Australian architecture firm, designed the Chancellery & Business School at Edith Cowan University. The purpose of this building was to provide organic forms of architecture that represent the values of the university. “The materials and characteristics of this building are inspired directly from its surrounding landscape.

The Chancellery is designed to appear as two giant plants with their branches fanning out. These branch-like structures are made out of timber and steel. This exterior architectural structure of the building is what interested me the most. I love how the winged-like wooden boards give a grand appearance while connecting it to nature and its surrounding environment.

In all, FJMT was able to construct a space that is described as “a curving forest of Eucalyptus Marginata”, while still providing a place for learning through work areas, courtyards, and gallery spaces.

Chancellery & Business School designed by fjmt

University of Auckland Business School

McKenzie Morgan

FJMT and Archimedia partnered together to create the Owen G. Glenn Business School. The purpose of this building was to provide a symbol of knowledge that projects innovation and embraces the community. This modern development is wrapped in organic layers of glass and stainless steel. The architectural pieces of glass and steel open the building through a series of flowing ribbons. This design creates a warm and inviting gesture for the building.

What interested me the most about this building was its efforts towards sustainability. This building is designed with energy fins that provide shafts for natural light and ventilation. This eco-friendly control is focused to provide the appropriate environmental conditions throughout the building. Thus, excellence and innovation are portrayed through the building’s use of energy.

I love how contemporary this building looks while it still provides a warm and inviting feeling. FJMT was able to provide a space that is not only intellectual but welcoming.

Charles Perkins Centre

McKenzie Morgan

Charles Perkins Centre is an Australian medical research facility constructed in 2012 by FJMT. This educational research hub focuses on areas of obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases.

Since the main goal of this facility was to inspire individuals, the architects designed this building with features of the human body. From DNA sequence patterns to blood flow, this building symbolizes parts of the human body. The most symbolic architectural piece of the building and what the building is best known for is its glowing, white atrium. The design director at FJMT described this space as the “interior organic heart”, creating another meaning behind the structure. The balconies in the atrium wave in and out, creating a dramatic feeling while the balconies provide a blank canvas to think.

In all, FJMT was able to design a building that resembled its purpose. I love how this architectural work has so much meaning and symbolism to it.

Charles Perkins Centre designed by fjmt

Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki

McKenzie Morgan

The Auckland Art Gallery was designed by two firms, Francis-Jones Morehen Thorp (FJMT) and Archimedia. This structure was planned to provide an organic, natural experience. As you can see in the picture, the tree-like canopies are an eye-catching structure of the building. These geometrically shaped canopies are made out of natural timber and hanged to look like the Pohutukawa Trees.

Below the canopies are large glass windows covering the entire wall. These windows allow views from in and out, providing the art gallery with an inviting environment. This architectural design opens the gallery to its surrounding park and public spaces. I love the idea of connecting the inside of the building to its outside environment.

It was interesting to find out that two architecture firms worked together on this project especially when they are known for different styles. FJMT has a reputation for high-profiled buildings, while Archimedia is known for its strong commitment to sustainability. So, it is impressive to see that these two firms can create a design that provides a futuristic yet earthy atmosphere.

The Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki designed by fjmt

The Omni Hotel – Dallas, Texas

McKenzie Morgan

When I was a cheerleader back in high school, my team and I would compete all around the state of Texas. One of the most popular events took place at the Dallas convention center. When competing there, we would often stay at the Omni Hotel that is connected to the event. The Omni Hotel brings back many positive feelings and memories of the days I used to perform in front of crowds.

The Omni Hotel is one of the most popular buildings in the city of Dallas and is known for the LED lights on its glass exterior. The famous lights will often create pictures, shapes, and words. Its unique light show is what draws tourists’ attention to the building. While the outside of the building creates a sleek modern look, the inside’s unique architecture is designed to appear very luxurious and expensive. From the sharp curves of the wall to the rooftop pool, the Omni Hotel stands out from any other ordinary hotel in Dallas.

NCA on Twitter: "Goodnight from Dallas, Texas. See you next year ...

The Old No. 77 Hotel – New Orleans, Louisiana

McKenzie Morgan

While driving to Florida, my friends and I stopped in New Orleans, Louisiana. During our stop, we stayed at an old fashioned hotel just outside the French Quarter.

The Old No.77 Hotel has many historic features designed in its framework. From the style of the exposed brick to the open pipes on the ceiling, the atmosphere was designed to portray the older days. The hallways were narrow and the elevator barely worked. To find out the history behind the building made sense of the design of it. According to its website, the building was originally a coffee warehouse and used for traded goods. The refurbished design was to still provide the feeling of what it was back then.

Learning about the history of the Old No. 77 Hotel made me appreciate the older imperfections so much more. Looking back, this building gave me a memory of an adventure, reminding me of the spontaneous trips my friends and I would always take.

Cirque du Soleil’s JOYA Theatre – Riviera Maya, Mexico

McKenzie Morgan

On a family vacation to Mexico, one of the nights, my family and I were highly recommended to attend the Cirque Du Soleil show. The experience was exhilarating and the atmosphere was unique. We were surrounded by actors and staff in costumes that all played a part in the storyline of the show. The one thing that drew my attention was the architecture of the theatre and its surroundings.

The theatre is located in a jungle just outside of Cancun, Mexico. The look of the building was designed to blend in with the surrounding trees. The natural choices of the material used for the theatre’s structure were chosen to go along with the jungle appearance. Inside the theatre, the environment was cozy and strategically designed to give everyone an optimal view no matter where you sat. I remember being amazed by not only the cool tricks that the staff could do but from the view of the place. The atmosphere is what made the experience of the Cirque Du Soleil show so much more magical.


Top of the Rock – 30 Rockefeller Plaza – New York

McKenzie Morgan

Ever since I have watched Home Alone 2: Lost in New York, I have always wanted to travel to the big apple. Christmas break 2018, I was able to experience what New York was all about.

During my visit, I took a tour at Top of the Rock, a 70 story building that had one of the best views of New York City. The view was breathtaking. I was able to see all of the skyscrapers in New York and had the perfect view of the empire state building.

The view was not the only thing that made the trip worth it, the journey to get to the top showed a lot of history in the building itself. I was astonished by the small details designed into the building and given by the tour. The Rockefeller’s tall structure is what makes it stand out from all the other surrounding buildings. The observation deck was made of three levels, giving a 360 view of the city. I remember feeling eager about the places to go and the things to do in life when I looked at the view.