All posts by masonlandsaw

Red banner Erich Mendelsohn

The Red Banner is a building that started construction in 1925 and was finished in 1926. One thing that is interesting about this building is that when Erich Mendelsohn developed this building and started construction he was the first foreign architect to create a design for the Soviet Union. The Red Banner is still used today.

Weizmann House Erich Mendelsohn

The Weizmann House was designed by Erich Mendelsohn and was designed to be the house of the first President of Israel. When Erich Mendelsohn designed this house he designed it to surround the staircase that is in the center of the house. I personally think the staircase is what makes this house unique.

Columbushaus Erich Mendelsohn

The Columbushaus is an office building that is nine stories tall that was built in 1932. This building was designed by Erich Mendelsohn. This building is very remarkable because the Columbushaus survived world war two. However, the Columbushaus sadly caught on fire in 1953. After the fire, the building was destroyed in 1957 because people were occupying it before the berlin wall was torn down.

Einstein Tower Erich Mendelsohn

This building is called the Einstein Tower. It was created by Erich Mendelsohn which is a German architect. Einstein Tower is a fitting name because it was designed to be a research facility for the theory of relativity. The Einstein Tower is a beautiful tower that is interesting in the way it was designed. Erich Mendelsohn tried to create this building with concrete but was unable to do so. This building actually caused him to not create such unique structures for the rest of his career.

Physical science center

The physical science center at OU is where I practically earned my degree. It is where I spent most of my time, either in class, studying, or in a lab. This is the building where I had my first ever science class, and where I fell in love with science. I made friends here, and many memories to go along with it. This building has changed my life in more ways than one. The Physical science center has helped me developed as a person and as a student.

my home

They say that home is where the heart is; however when I think of home, this is where my mind goes. I have lived in this house since I was five years old until I moved to college. This building is where when all else fails, I know I can return and have a bed waiting on me. My house is where I feel the safest out of anywhere in the world. Through the good times and the bad times, this house has been there every step of the way.

KTK Angus steakhouse

KTK Angus Steakhouse is my family’s business and where I got my first job. However, this building is not just where I got my first job. This building is where I learned to talk to people, developed people skills, and made friends that I still have today. KTK Steak house is where I had my first date, and dinner before prom. This building means so much to me because it is where my family spent a large majority of our time, and it became a second home to me.

Hulbert High school

Although, Hulbert high school might not look like much it has played a big part in my life. It is not a big or fancy building, but it is still important to me because it is where I grew up. It is located in the small town of Hulbert, Oklahoma which has a population of about 600 people. This building is where I met my two best friends, where I matured, and where I made numerous memories. I may have hated being there every day growing up, but when I look back those were some of the best times of my life.