All posts by Loganh1

joseph foucart-williams Hall Library

Williams Hall Library is a beautiful building built a long time ago by Joseph Foucart. He was used to designing the neat stores in down town Guthrie, but he really stepped out for this one. The big castle like areas of the library jump out at me. The windows are really freaky too in my opinion. This was one of his biggest projects and it was a big success.

Joseph Foucart Castle on the Hill | Architecture for Non Majors

Joseph Foucart- de ford building

De Ford Building in Guthrie is very cool to me. The color scheme is consistent with the blue and cream and red brick and it looks great. There is a lot of character on top of this building with unique art forms at the tip top. This building is surrounded with great history and in some people’s eyes this building itself is great history.

Exterior view of the "Ford Building" in Norfolk, Virginia, during ...

Joseph Foucart- Foucart Building

This building is evidently named after himself and it is a quaint little building. With gothic characteristics it really sticks out and the green window pane is classic small town downtown. I would love to go inside this building and see the layout and design. It even looks like there used to be roof activity on this building because of the railing on the shorter portion. This building is extremely unique.

File:Foucart-Building.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

Joseph Foucart- Victor block

I love how Joseph Foucart is from Guthrie, Oklahoma. I have seen all the buildings he has designed there. The Victor block is my favorite building of his in Guthrie. It gives off a very old school corner vibe and I love it. Truly a remarkable piece of work. I wish the small town where I come from had a downtown as pretty as Guthrie’s.

File:Victor-Building.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

Willis tower

I went to Chicago as a little kid but still took in the great city for all that it is. We went to the Willis tower and I was in awe. I didn’t know a building could be so tall. It made me feel even littler than I already was but it impressed me a lot. I experienced a sense of curiosity at that time more than anything.

Aon Discusses Purchase of Rival Willis Towers Watson - WSJ

Evans Hall

This building is the prettiest building on Campus at OU and I love it. The red brick is so pretty. It means a lot to me because I am very proud to be an OU fan and I cherish the beauty of this campus. I take pride in being a sooner and so I take pride in the beautiful Evans Hall.

Evans Hall University of Oklahoma Photograph by JC Findley

ok state capitol

The state capitol is a very fascinating building. It influenced me to be proud of Oklahoma when I visited as a kid. I felt so small walking up the huge steps and standing beneath the tall flags. It meant a lot to walk the big halls of a gorgeous building dedicated to Oklahoma.

Oklahoma State Capitol Art Collection

Devon Tower

This building means a lot to me because I have an uncle who was on the project management group overseeing the construction the building. This building influenced me from the start because it was the biggest building in the city and it represented the growth that is coming to OKC. I was blown away when I first encountered it and thought how smart the architect who designed it must be

Image result for devon tower