All posts by kylewicks

James B. Hunt Jr. Library

The James B. Hunt Jr. Library is located in Raleigh, North Carolina. With it taking five years to complete starting in 2008 and finishing 2013. I have actually visited this beautiful building, as my grandparents live in Raleigh North Carolina. As North Carolina State University Deciated the building, Snohetta worked extremely close with the university to get this building finished. The building is a huge one with it being 230,000 square feet. 

“Under” – Europe’s First Underwater Restaurant

This building is just awesome, as it is a restaurant under water! The building “Under” is Europe’s first ever underwater Restaurant. As unique as this building is, it is as well just as beautiful. Located in Lindesnes, Norway, the building only took about three years to finish. Starting in 2016 and finishing up in 2019. Talk about work, I could only imagine how hard it was to build underwater or placing it in water. Even if you do not want to eat at this restaurant, I imagine seeing sea animals swim is a wonderful site to see down there. The building itself is also very environmentally friendly making it a marine environment.

Tverrfjellhytta, Norwegian Wild Reindeer Pavilion

The Norwegian Wild Reindeer Pavilion is located in Hjerkinn, Dovre, Norway. While it took two years to complete starting in 2009 and finished in 2011. While the building itself looks very simply it is very unique in its own ways, especially the insides. The building is overlooking mountains, as a beautiful view. The building is open to the public and is a very good tourist location, as to getting there most people hike the building. 

Norwegian National Opera and ballet.

Snøhetta  won a prize winning award for this beautiful building. Located in Osle, Norway, it took from 2000 to completed in 2008. As this building is very unique and different then most buildings you would see. The way it was built shows it took time to complete with actually having culture with it. As the building is used for mostly Opera and ballet there are still other events that use this beautiful building. It is very unique on how Snohetta built this building with the water being so close. 

Elvis Presley birth home

I grew up living in many states and cities and one of them was Tupelo Mississippi. A small town in Mississippi, there was not much to do. Having the birth home of Elvis Presley made Tupelo a tourist attraction. Seeing and visiting his home was really cool, just because to see where he grew up in a small house in a small town, made me think no matter where you’re from or where you live you can make it and be famous. Visiting Elvis Presley house has a special feeling to me.

The Alamo

Growing up and living a big chunk of my life in Texas, from living in Austin, Dallas and Houston, visiting the Alamo was an experience that I had to see. I thought it was really interesting going to San Antonio and seeing the Alamo. With all the history there it was super fascinating. The Alamo is a symbol for courage and that is what makes this place special for me.  

The White HOUSE

The White House, one of the most high achieving buildings to live in. Going on a tour there was just amazing. With James Hoban laying out the building and finishing in 1817 after a fire burned it down. President James Monroe was the first to live there after the fire. Touring the White is a once in a life experience considering living so far away. The White house is always busy and a bunch of people are running around all the time. I really enjoyed visiting the White House.


Making a trip to Dodger Stadium as a  seven year old, was an experience that I will never forget. Being a huge fan of baseball and considering this was my first game, Dodger Stadium was just breathtaking. With all the loud and crazy fans and having a beautiful view outside the stadium while sitting at the top. As I have only been twice I hope to return very soon to get that same feeling I got as a seven year old.