All posts by KeatonMeek

Karen Blixen Plads

The Karen Blixen Plads, done by the COBE ARCHITECTS is something short of incredible. I love the way it looks and the roundness of the design. the beauty behind this design is it isn’t taking up any extra space to have this bicycle rack. instead of putting the rack somewhere between buildings, they decided to raise the floor and create this small dome where the bikes could be housed underneath the walkway. The incline of this bridge is subtle where you wouldn’t feel like it was a waste. This was very well done and it simply makes sense the way it was done. very creative and very, Copenhagen Denmark.

Frederiksvej kindergarten

This Kindergarten is something special. Instead of going with a standard design option on public school. the COBE PROJECT decided to enlist the help of children to design the school. their idea behind this was to bring back the livelihood and allow the children to focus on their relationships and perception of the building they are going to be spending so much time in. I think this is an incredible idea and I wish more places enlisted the creative nature of the children they are building the structure for. I wish I was given this option when I was younger. Kudos to the builders for doing such an amazing job in, Copenhagen Denmark.

THE silo

The Silo, Built by the COBE PROJECT is an incredible piece of architecture. The goal of this project was to repurpose an old industrial grain silo and try to keep the structure as true to its original purpose as possible. They redesigned the outside but kept the inside almost completely original. I think this building looks incredible and there are 38 different apartments inside this one single building. I think the idea of repurposing existing structures is a great idea and it allows architects to go a different, more creative, direction than the original idea for the piece. I would love to go visit this and see what it looks like on the inside in person. Great job and great building in, Copenhagen Denmark

ragnarok rockslide

the Ragnarok Rockslide building created by the COBE PROJECT is a beautiful piece of architecture. The aim for this building was to be a cultural centerpiece for the city of Rockslide. The goal for them was to preserve as many concrete buildings as possible that existed in this space. I love this building because it stands out among the other original concrete structures like a landmark or beacon. It is used for cultural productions, music hall, and other concerts. This building makes me feel so alive with the gold and red color pallet. Very well done project by these guys in, Rockslide Denmark

Southern hills country club

Southern Hills Country Club was the first place that I worked at in high school. It is in the top 100 nicest golf clubs in the world and being there in person, I am inclined to believe that claim. I used to be a caddy here and carry golf bags for rich people and I have to say, those were some of the most interesting conversations I have ever had. What really made me love this place was the style of the building. It looked rustic all through the building and the outside. Almost like a victorian style mansion. It was beautiful. The drive up was just as great. The road up to the clubhouse was lined with 100 year old oak trees that created this beautiful canopy in the summer. I loved working there and it gave me inspiration to strive towards living a lifestyle like that one day.

Beach house combo

My first visit to LA while driving in Malibu I was in awe at the hilarity of these two seemingly contrasting beach houses in california. I honestly did not think that these two actually existed. I had seen them in video games like GTA and thought those were just crazy takes on what california was like, but I was not prepared for how real they looked in person. I like the contrasting all black and colorful side by side because it really shows the two personality styles of the people who own these buildings. I am personally more into the black style beach house and have always loved darker tones, but something about the barbie beach house I have always admired. I guess it’s because of just how wild looking it is and the fact that it actually exists in real life is what amazes me.

The orange Show

The Orange Show is a very peculiar building constructed by Jeff McKissack. I love this building for a couple reasons. Ever since I have lived in houston when I was younger, there is this area in houston that has no zoning laws and anyone can build anything including this monstrosity. I used to love coming here as a kid with my mom and just enjoying the art installations that existed on this street. The Orange Show consists of many zany looking art installations and other Rube Goldberg looking designs that just seem so out of the ordinary. This is where I got my sense of creativity seeing something as crazy as this and wanted to create something just as cool. I always wondered if there was any concerts here before my time, but I guess that is the beautiful mystery of this place.

perot museum of nature and science

[©(c)Roland Halbe; Veroeffentlichung nur gegen Honorar, Urhebervermerk und Beleg / Copyrightpermission required for reproduction, Photocredit: Roland Halbe]

From the time that I was little and lived in dallas, anytime my family and I drove past this building, I was at a loss for words how incredibly creative the architecture of this building was. The way that the escalator is encased in glass sloping upwards always was such a creative way to design a building. Rather than try to hide such a massive piece of machinery, the architect, Thom Mayne decided to make a spectacle of it. Only recently I realized that this was a science and nature museum, so it makes so much sense the way that this building was designed. Seeing the inside of the building with photos online, I felt a great sense of joy and amazement at how intricate this building really is. I hope one day to actually go inside and check out all the spectacles this building has to offer.