All posts by katelynwalden

Tatiana Bilbao – Funeraria Tangassi

Image result for Funeraria Tangassi / Tatiana Bilbao

This structure is named Funeraria Tangassi. Tatiana Bilbao was the architect for this structure. The area is 2160 m². It is located in Mexico. This structure is considered a memorial center. The design of the memorial center is very simple and sleek. I bet it’s hard to design this kind of structure. You have to portray a certain feeling that people want to feel when they walk in. They want it to be calm and peaceful. I think she designed it perfectly. It has very warm tones and the colors are calming. It is very modern and calm. It seems like the perfect structure.

Tatiana Bilbao – Botanical garden

Image result for Botanical Garden / Tatiana Bilbao S.C.

Tatiana Bilbao was the architect for the Botanical Garden located in Culiacan, Mexico. It was built is 2012. Over 30 years ago, engineer Carlos Murillo, created the Culiacan Botanical Garden. Tatiana Bilbao job was “reconciling nature with architectural order,” and I think she did a great job. The pictures of the Botanical Garden are so beautiful. The design is very green and modern, which are my two favorite things when I look at architecture.

Tatiana Bilbao – Bioinnova

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Bioinnova was built in 2012. Tatiana Bilbao was the architect for the building. It is located in Culiacan Rosales, Mexico. The area is 6260 m². This building structure is considered a biotechnological park building. They wanted it to be a link between academics and business for the college. The structure is located in the state of Sinaloa. I like the way this structure is designed, I love the slick and modern design. I read that each level of the building works technically and aesthetically with a specific sustainable system, so each part does its work to keep the building running. I absolutely love this idea. I would love to visit this building some day.

Tatiana Bilbao’s $8,000 HOuse

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Tatiana Bilbao created this project for Chicago Biennial that could help with Mexico’s affordable housing shortage. It is considered a full-scale Sustainable Housing prototype. The houses would cost between $8,000 to $14,000 to be constructed. I like the idea of building these types of buildings. An $8,000 house is so affordable and they are a good size. It is such a great idea. I love the design of the outside of the structure. There weren’t any pictures of the inside, but it looks like a good size for a family.

Gaylord College

This is Gaylord Hall at the University of Oklahoma. This building will forever have a positive effect on my life. This is the building I’ve spent a lot of the last 3 years of my life. I have learned so much in this building. It is also such a beautiful building as well. The first time I visited the campus this was my favorite and it still is to this day. I will be forever grateful for this building.

MPHS High school

This is the high school I went to just a couple of years ago. This school shaped my life in so many ways. I met some of my best friends there and some of them I’m still in contact with to this day. I went to a pretty big school so I met many different people that impacted my life. I learned so many different life lessons that I will remember my whole life . I had some of my best years there and every year taught me many lessons. This building will forever be a positive in my life.

First Baptist Church Mount Pleasant

This is my childhood church, First Baptist Church of Mount Pleasant. This is the church I grew up in. So many memories were made here. I spent most of my Sundays and Wednesdays here. This is where I made some of my life long friends. I remember taking piano classes here, all the VBS weeks, playing in the gym and so many more memories. My parents still go to this church so when I go back to my hometown, I always visit. Such a positive building in my life and I’m so grateful for it.

Laura’s Cheesecake

This building was owned by my mom for 20 years. My mom started Laura’s Cheesecake before I was born and sold it a couple of years ago. I spent many years here and basically grew up in this building, she even had a nursery built for my sister and me there. I also worked there in the summers and it taught me a lot about life. I met many people that shaped my life in many ways. It had such a positive effect on my life, I still visit every time I go to my hometown.