All posts by jrandall

OKC Temple

Most people can recognize the Salt Lake Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, but I don’t think quite as many would be able to recognize the Oklahoma City Oklahoma Temple. Most people probably don’t even know it’s here. I love this building because of the purpose it serves but also because of the tender love and attention to detail in the design. In my church, temples are a very important part of our beliefs and they bring me a lot of peace in my life. There are nearly 200 functioning temples all over the world with many more under construction or soon to be. Each temple design uses cultural and environmental influences from the area it is built. The OKC Temple has murals of the rolling Wichita Mountains and our state wildflower, the Indian blanket flower, and used as details in gold railings and stained glass. I would love the temple even without the ornamentation but I have a special appreciation for the simple details that were included.

Brunelleschi’s Dome

Formally known as Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore, casually known as Brunelleschi’s Dome, and maybe better known to Americans as “the big church in Florence,” this cathedral stands tall in Tuscany. I had the opportunity to climb all of the stairs to the top of the dome while studying at OU Arezzo. I don’t understand much about engineering or how this dome stands and has stood the test of time, but I do understand the true magnificence of such an extraordinary and unmistakable piece of art. The inside is even more detailed and striking than the outside. All I could think of when I was there was what a wonderful thing it is that artists and architectures passed down their work to the next generations to complete and for others to enjoy for centuries to come. This breathtaking building is one of my favorites in the world.

French Barn

This quaint building sits in the countryside in the Haute-Marne region of northeastern France. It previously served as a barn and then was converted to store coal and other supplies necessary to keep the farm running. I visited here on a field trip while I was studying at my high school’s sister school in Chaumont, France. The current owners of property have cleaned and fixed it up and rent it out for weddings and events now but also use it to showcase different cultural practices of the region. When I visited, I wasn’t fluent in French yet and I missed a lot of what they said but this region is known for some flowers that grow there and they showed us how to make homemade boutonnieres. They had fake flowers for us to use so we could take them home to the states with us. This is such a random building and an equally random event and memory but I will never forget this charming, picturesque little barn that could tell so many stories.

320 South Boston Building

The 320 South Boston Building is one of my favorite buildings. Growing up right outside of Tulsa, I have always heard about Tulsa’s rich history and the Art Deco style that exists throughout downtown. This building specifically always seemed to stand out to me. It fits right in with the buildings of the last century but its ornamentation is unique in comparison. The designer and architect of this building, Oscar Wenderoth, was from Chicago which is where I think he got his different style. He designed the 320 South Boston Building in the Beaux-Arts architecture style which originated in Paris and was taught until the end of the 19th century. The 320 South Boston Building was completed in 1917 and expanded in 1929 so I am led to believe Wenderoth drew upon classic and beloved European architectural principles to give the building a sort of formidability, as it was the tallest building in town at the time. I love this building and I love seeing it when I walk the streets of downtown. It is just as beautiful and ornate on the inside and its grandeur almost seems to transport you to a past time.