All posts by Johnnynquyen

Vista Tower

The Vista Tower is the third tallest building in Chicago, IL. Designed by Jeanne Gang this building is consisted of four buildings combined together with each building getting taller and taller. Like most designed built by Jeanne Gang other projects, she uses sunlight to impact both interior and exterior parts of the building making it environmental friendly. Building a skyscraper as a residential area for a city that has a population of over 2.7million city will reduce overcrowding. With its wavy architecture designs, and contribution to the environment using sunlight. This Vista Tower is a place that I’d like to visit one day if I were to visit Chicago.

Solstice on the PARK

Solstice on the Park is located in Chicago, IL. Created by Jeanne Gang, it was designed to use sunlight to passively warm the surrounding area using the sunlight during the winter time. This building is also used to minimize light and heat gain throughout the summer which reduce air-conditioning usage. With its unique symmetrical architecture designs that allows sunlight to come in and reduce heat giving off the sunlight during the summer and using the sunlight to gain heat during the winter, it is an excellent place for residents to live as it is aesthetically appealing.

Aqua Tower

Aqua Tower

Aqua tower is located in Chicago, IL. This building was designed by Jeanne Gang and is absolutely stunning to see. The design of waves going up the building are actually balconies and not just some exterior designs which are based on a vertical landscape made up of hills, valleys, and pools. The Aqua Tower is 876 feet high and is a combination of offices, hotel, parking, and has a green roof which is considered one of Chicago’s largest green roofs at that! Through specific conditions of density within the spacing of the city the Aqua Tower was able to connect with the city regardless of the density because of its height it is able to have residential spacing and office rentals and a bonus of a parking lot!

40 Tenth AVenue

Studio Gang Completes 40 Tenth Avenue Tower in New York | ArchDaily

The 40 Tenth Avenue is located NY, Mahanttan. This building was designed beautifully by Jeanne Gang and her team. By using the Sun she built a building that would reflect sunlight on the environment around it impacting the surrounding area positively. The 40 Tenth Avenue was known for its sunlight bending and reflections which is why the building is also known as the Solar Carve. Located near the Hudson river tourist and pedestrians can view this beautiful building from ground level and see the amazing reflections the building gives off to the environment surrounding it.

Flatiron Building

Throughout the years, I’ve been watching movies with the flatiron building constantly being shown in many scenes. I was always fascinated with this Iconic building and its triangular shape and when I got the chance to visit New York I stopped by to eat dinner near it. From seeing it in movies to visiting the actual place in person was a satisfying experience. Although when I did visit the Flatiron building it was unfortunate that the base of it was undergoing reconstruction I was not able to take a picture perfect vision of it.


On my trip to visit my girlfriend in New York, I had stumbled across this bee hive shaped building while walking towards the Hudson Yard mall. This building caught my attention because of how it was shaped with the building wider on the top and more narrow at the bottom. I was amazed on how The Vessel can stand up that high with it being hollow on the inside without any support besides the exterior pieces of it. Like any first timers in New York, I bought a ticket to go into The Vessel and walked the whole way to the top which had an aesthetically pleasing view of the city.

Clackamas MALL

Clackamas Mall which is located in Oregon, has always been my favorite place to go growing up. If I wanted to hang out with a friend after class we would take the bus and meet up here. Anytime we wanted to shop or get something good to eat, we’d come here. There hasn’t been a year that I didn’t show up to the mall until I moved to Oklahoma. During Black Fridays the mall would light up and sometimes with different colors which enhances the look of the building and although the building might look simple, It will always be a reminder were I chipped my front tooth playing tag and will always remind me of home.

The Grotto

The Grotto is a Catholic church that I used to go to once a year with my family when I lived in Portland, Oregon. This part of the building was located further up on a mountain where you could either hike or take an elevator to reach the top floor. This part of the building has always been fascinating to me since I was a kid because it would look like something out of the transformers. I would come to this building every time I attended church here and would visit this part of the building because inside the building you can see a spectacular view of the church and the trees and hills surrounding the area.