All posts by Jcooke

Will Rogers Airport OKC

Will Rogers World Airport poised for continued growth, developments

It might just look like an average airport to most people, but this airport is actually what helped me determine my career path. Being from Oklahoma, anytime I had to fly when I traveled I would always go through Will Rodgers airport because it was only 30 minutes from my house. It is not the biggest or nicest airport in the world, but like I said it helped me choose my career path. Being inside the airport made me realize I really enjoyed aviation and thought it was something I could do for the rest of my life. Because of this airport I am studying aviation management at the University of Oklahoma. I always am reminded of positive memories when I go back to this airport

Ventana canyon residence by Rick Joy

Ventana Canyon Residence – Studio Rick Joy

After researching Rick Joy’s work I quickly learned he has a theme for all of his creations. With Joy’s work you will typically find three main points. The first is the location. Usually his creations are isolated from others. Another theme is thick non-textured concrete walls that remind you of a fortress. Lastly, You will most always find open concepts with large glass windows to light up the room with natural light. The Ventana Canyon Residence pictured above once again fits his theme. I was quickly drawn to the concept of the long concrete eves with a wall of large glass windows. I personally love the layout and modernness. This is a dream home of mine, but I am sure that this would come with quite a hefty price tag.

Amangiri resort and spa by Rick Joy

Amangiri Resort and Spa – Studio Rick Joy

Here we have a resort and spa in the desert of Canyon Point, UT. From the begging it looks as if Rick Joy, the architect, designed the building around the location’s surroundings. I think the “adobe” feel works well because the color of the building practically blends into the mountain in the background. Also from looking at the pictures of the inside, Joy captured the true meaning of a resort/spa.

The Amangiri Resort and Spa

The intended purpose is to be able to completely relax and forget about all that’s going on in the world. What better way to execute this purpose than to be excluded all alone in a dessert with nothing around you?

Lone mountain ranch house by Rick joy

Lone Mountain Ranch House

Rick Joy decided to take a completely different approach to a ranch style home with this modern style home. When I encounter houses on a ranch I tend to notice that they are typically older and come with little decorations around the house to give it character. This home by Joy screams 21st century/modern, almost as if it does not even belong in the location it is in. This home features a very open concept with large glass windows creating walls around the home. This home is something I would enjoy because tend to me more interested in modern/open concept homes and I like the thought of living on a lot of land some day. I give this house by Rick Joy a positive review.

Le Cabanon by Rick Joy

This is the Le Cabanon by architect Rick Joy. There are two things that just instantly pop out at you when you first see this house. One is the location of the house. Many times I have taken for granted the locations of buildings as they can be the main focal point. A house on the ocean in my opinion is as good as it gets. The other thing that you notice first thing is the solid concrete walls. The concrete has no texture to it giving it a modern look. Another thing I like about the concrete walls is that it gives off a very secure vibe to it, almost like a fort. I think Rick joy knocked this project out of the park.

LA Sagrada Família

Although I have never been to the La Sagrada FamÍlia, I was still blown away by the images I saw while learning about it. I first came across this while watching the weekly videos assigned to us in class. Architect Antoni Gaudi was the mastermind behind this famous church. Construction started in 1882 and is still to this day being built. While learning about this church , I was amazed on how Gaudi was able to come up with these elaborate plans in a time with not even have the technology that we have today. He was truly ahead of this time. If I ever end up close to Barcelona, Spain I will for sure be making a trip to see this master piece in person. Not only is the outside one of a kind but he inside is just as great. There was not one detail left out in Gaudi’s plans.

Devon Energy Center

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I had the pleasure of growing up near Oklahoma city so I have had the chance to see the Devon Energy Tower quite a lot. Matter of fact it is quite hard to miss this massive building. I have never got the chance to admire the building from the inside but I can only imagine that it looks just as good as it does on the outside. When this building was first begging construction, I remember seeing the “skeleton” of the building and just thought this had to be one of the biggest in the United states. I learned it was not, but I was just shocked about the size.

Chase Bank Building

I first came across this building when I started going to OU/Texas football games my freshman year of college. I have memories of seeing this building from my hotel room and I have always enjoy seeing the blue lights at night. I have also always been a big fan of tall skyscrapers. I think the modern look in big cities just speaks for itself. The architects did a great job with completing the top of the building with the arch. Every time I see this building I am always reminded of the good times I have had during the weekend OU/Texas. I can’t wait to go back to Dallas, Texas this year (hopefully there is a football season this year) and see this building again.