All posts by JaredSebrant

Calpham manor primary school

Sadie Morgan and her group renovated the Calpham manor primary school. The school is located in a very tight fit urban area. So, it was a challenge to provide space for learning due to not having much space, but they pulled it off and made it really stand out amongst the other buildings. The new wing was therefore conceived as a freestanding extension that plugged into the Boarding School, enabling the school to function effectively and holistically as a single entity.

Maggies centre

Sadie Morgan was diagnosed with breast cancer and after that she decided to build something that would uplift cancer patients. So her and her colleagues decided to build maggies centres to provide emotional and social support for people affected by cancer. The Building was the world’s first building made from hardwood cross laminated timber. The building is supported on slender columns the building is also very secluded and offers open air rooms with trees and other vegetation to provide a scenic and peaceful environment .

Kingsdale School

DCF 1.0

The renovation of kingsdale school is quite a spectacle. Sadie Morgan believes in an Eco friendly architectural design. When renovating the school the architects used mainly wood because it is non toxic an nonhazardous. Another reason that they used wood is because it appeals to the eye better then concrete. They also created a very spacious sports Hall and a second floor viewing area so people can watch the sports that are going on. This was actually a very challenging feet because trying to use wood for everything causes for some advanced ingenuity but they were able to pull it off.

Hastings Peir

The Hastings pier was destroyed by an arson attack and the fire took pretty much everything with it. The Hastings pier charity and the white rock trust invited all architects to submit ideas for a new peer not even a week after the pier was burned down. Sadie Morgan and a few of her companions proposed a very unique idea. The idea did not include the shops or trademark attractions like most peers do their goal was to make it very spacious. So they set out to build a clutter free platform over the ocean. She also used salvage wood from the previous pier and recycled it to help build the new one , and the pier went on to win the 2017 Sterling prize.

Jimmie Austin

This is the clubhouse at OUs golf course Jimmie Austin. The clubhouse itself isn’t very extravagant, actually it’s a very simple layout. It has a pro shop and a restaurant. The clubhouse also has outdoor seating on the second floor that’s nice to hangout on after a morning 18 . Me and my boys go golfing here Every Sunday morning. As we pull up just as the sun is rising with coffee in hand and dew still on the grass is when I’m at my absolute happiest. This clubhouse represents not only the fantastic game of golf but also time I get to spend with my best friends playing the greatest game ever created.

The devon tower

I only went into the Devon tower once in my life. As you approach the doors it is a very intimidating piece of architecture as high as you can see it’s all just glass. It’s got fountains outside of it and beautiful decorations inside of it. The reason I went to Devon was to take my girlfriend on a date at their restaurant the vast. The elevator right up oh like forever but once we got to the top it was one of the most amazing views I’ve ever seen. The Devon tower makes all of the rest of the buildings in downtown look so minuscule. It’s like a diamond in the rough.

Southmoore highschool

South Moore high school is a 6A high school in Moore OK. I was never excited about high school when I was in junior high. It just seemed like a really huge leap but I’m so glad that I went to South Moore out of any other high schools. The layout of this building isn’t too fancy it’s got two floors and four hallways and the cafeteria in the middle. The front has a very beautiful entrance and as soon as you walk in you see two sets of stairs going upstairs. I went there for four years and it’s crazy how much of that place I have memorized to this day. I learned so many things about myself and grew up and met my closest friends here. Every time I see it I get this overwhelming feeling of nostalgia. Buildings don’t have to be grand or extravagant to leave an impression on someone.

The Warren

For my first blog I want to talk about the Warren theater in Moore, Ok. It was the first extravagant movie theater I had ever seen. It blew away all of its competition with its Magnificently high ceilings that resembled a starlit night and beautiful staircases. The snack bar was lit up with LEDs and it took my breath away. The insides of every theater were beautiful each chair was a candy Apple red in perfect rows. Even when you went to the bathroom, they had a fireplace that was always on that just added a little extra fanciness to the whole experience. They also have an arcade, but it isn’t like any other arcade it’s a super nice upscale arcade. The reason the Warren has significance in my life is because I had my first kiss at the Warren theater so every time I go, I vaguely remember that time in my life and it makes me remember the good old days when I was young and had no clue how easy life was back then. I think it’s pretty crazy how something as simple as a building can bring back memories that happened so long ago. This movie theater will always have a special place in my heart.