All posts by Jared_Mara

Newport city footbridge

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Located in South Wales in the city of Newport, the Newport city footbridge provides an excellent addition to the city. Constructed in 2007, the plan of the bridge was to be the start of the unlimited plan to regenerate Newport. The bridge itself connects the popular Rodney Parade Stadium to University Plaza. This allows easy access in and out of the city, which promotes more interaction between anyone who is there. In 2007, the bridge won the George Gibby Award for its beautiful structure and the meaning behind its purpose.

Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science

Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science | Downtown/Overtown | Museums  | General | Miami New Times

Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science opened their doors in 2017. It is located in Miami, Florida after being moved from Coconut Groove Florida. The structure serves as a science museum, planetarium, and a aquarium. It’s one of the largest museums in Florida, and also the second biggest aquarium in Florida. Inside you can go to scientific development/research lectures that talk about a variety of topics. Then you can proceed to visit the massive aquarium that contains sharks, penguins, and even alligators. This structure is considered another Grimshaw Architect style .

Experimental Media and Performing Arts Center


This picture above show the Experimental Media and Performing Arts Center. This structure comes from another style of Gilmore architecture. The building opened up in 2008 after spending over $140 million dollars for construction. Before construction began, 100,000 cubic yards of ground was removed so the building could lay upon a hill. Inside there are two main halls one that seats up to 1,200 people, and the other at 400 people. It also has a projection room that is set at 360 degrees. This allows them to research and develop modern day virtual reality technology. Steel support beams are specifically positioned around the building to keep a constant temperature, and keep condensation off the windows.

Oxford ice rink

This arena was built in 1984 by Nicholas Grimshaw who was selected by the Oxford City Council. The building is just 10 minutes outside of center city Oxford, and when it was designed it was made to be a very modern arena unlike any other. At the time Ice Rink had a very simplistic style, Grimshaw knowing this, decided to add his own touch of creativity by making a disco room, and making the front and back of the building fully glazed to allow more sunlight in the arena. It is not typical to find ice rinks that allow a lot of sunlight.

our old house

The amount of memories I have about this place could write a book. I lived here for about 17 years, until my dad had to move to Dallas, Texas for work. I was just entering my senior year of high school when my parents told me we had to move, and it didn’t seem real. It still feels weird looking back at old pictures. All the sleepovers, swimming parties, and birthdays seem like they happened 20 years ago. When I go back to visit my grandparents I always have to drive by this house just to look at it. I still find myself looking at the living room windows to see my dogs head pop up. Even my first car, which I no longer have is still pictured in the driveway. Hopefully one day this house is available to rent as an Airbnb just so my friends and I can stay there one more time.

Chipotle Mexican Grill

This may seem ridiculous, but every time I see a chipotle I remember all the times my friends, and I went there after school on a Friday. It became a tradition after some of us got our license that we would pack each car, and go right to chipotle after our final period. We did that for two years, and have even done it after we got out of school just for the fun of it. It’s just one of those little things that turn out to be special in the long run. The weird part about it is that I didn’t like chipotle until we made it a thing to always go there. I knew if I didn’t go I would be missing out on a good time. I don’t know how the workers felt about it because we would sit there for over an hour, and probably weren’t the most quiet group in the building. I tried finding a picture of the specific chipotle in our town, but I couldn’t find it.

Hollydell Ice Arena

Hollydell Ice Arena has always been a special place to me. My first visit there was when I was five years old, and that was the very first time I ever put on ice skates. I don’t personally remember it, but my parents have always told me about how excited they were when I went on the ice. After this first encounter I would be at this rink for the next 15 years. The amount of lifelong friends I have made, and all the memories of ice hockey are linked to this building. I learned how to ice skate here, and learned the game of ice hockey. My first ever job was also at this rink. I was a freshman in high school, and was offered to be an assistant coach for little kids who wanted to learn how to play. Every time I go back home I visit this rink with some friends, and watch our former high school team play a few games.

Washington township high school

High school contains so many memories that it is hard to actually breakdown which are the most valuable. Dozens of lessons that involve your friends, academics, and just figuring out what you want to do in your life. When I think of this school I remember all the good times I had with my friends. Specifically my senior year as we were all getting ready to go to college, and couldn’t wait to get away from our hometown. It’s very true that you don’t realize how special high school was until you are out of it. Getting to see your friends everyday, and the work load doesn’t even compare to college. This school helped shape my life into who I am today. If I had to narrow down my favorite experiences it would include prom, Friday night football games, and lastly our senior trip. It’s bittersweet to think about because you don’t necessarily want to go back, and you also want to relive some of your favorite moments just one more time.