All posts by jamesngo4

Vienna University of Economics and Business

University of Economics & Business Vienna Carme Pinos

This university was designed by Carme Pinos in 2013 and there are two buildings with one in the center and the other on the outer part of campus. Carme heavily emphasized volume as it was shown with the shapes of parallelogram on the buildings which helps the placement of offices and classrooms fit. To me the building looks out of place and a little bit intimidating if I had to walk class in that building.

Torre Cube GUADALAJARA, México

Torre Cube Guadalajara

The Torre Cube was designed by Carme Pinos in 2004 and it cover about 4,800 square miles. Carme wanted to create a tall building that had great ventilation in offices and that air conditioner would not had been necessary and she did this with the help of the natural light and cool weather of Guadalajara. Right in the middle of the building there is a huge open space and it acts as a window that allows free circulation of air.

Torre Cube Guadalajara

Parc de Ses Estacions, Palma

This park was designed by Carme pinos in 2002 and it is one of the largest green areas in the middle of Palma. It is mainly suitable for children as there are areas that have soft flooring for toddlers to crawl there is a castle like structure that is for the bigger children to go down the slides. When looking at the picture of the park there was a lot of green present and I liked this because it gave a vibrant feel with the nature presence and looks like a place many people would go for a walk at.

La Serra High School Mollerussa, Lleida

This high school building is designed by Carme Pinos in 2001. When looking at the building I got some dull and bland vibes due to the white and gray coloring and it reminded of a prison for some reason. The interior of the building did not feel or look that special as well it looks so compact and complex that I feel like some students might get lost when arriving to their classes.


This is the building where I took all my Italian classes for OU and the appearance of the building was nothing special for me except for the front mostly due to the height but other than that it looked small. I really liked going into this building because I was able to connect with a lot of my classmates and my professor in my Italian class due to it being a small class size. Italian events would also be held in this building as well and some day I would go to hangout and play games with the people who showed up while also learning more about Italian. I am going to miss the fun times I had with my classmates and professor in that building and I highly recommend other students to take Italian or other language classes.

4217 West Greeley St

This house has been my home for almost about 20 years and it has had a huge positive impact on my life. I loved that it was a two story building because of how much space there was above and when entering the front door the lights of the chandelier would look so pretty especially with the lights on. In my backyard is where we grow plants and vegetables to cook for dinner and there is also a basketball hoop where me and my brother would play one on one. My favorite part about this house would probably be the game room mostly because I loved playing video games and there was also a table there where I would do my homework and play games afterwards. Every time that I would come back from school I would always be in a good mood because there is nothing that could replace this as my home and all the memories I have of it.


I have been living here for all my three years at OU and this building has given me mixed feelings. What I liked about this place is how tall and spacious the building looked from the exterior and inside I really enjoyed the amenities like the gym and swimming pool. What I really liked disliked about this building is how narrow and compact the garage parking is. Every time I make a turn I always slow down because there is a wall that blocks me from seeing the other side and there are also reckless drivers who move fast without knowing i’m on the other side. Another thing I disliked is my balcony mainly because it feels slanted down and I live on the 4th floor and it feels like it’s going to fall off so I rarely hangout there. As I finished off senior year I will most likely miss my roommates that I have for the past years and hopefully the next place I live at won’t have these problems.


The Biz has played an important role in my academics here at OU and outside of class I’m pretty sure I have spent the same time or more at the Biz than my apartment. Last fall, I remember having consecutive classes that would be an hour apart so I would just go to the biz and work on homework to pass the time. This semester I have not been there a lot due to having more online classes but I will always remember the good times of working in groups and a spot to hangout with friends.