All posts by Lainie Estlow

The Lighthouse

Charles Rennie Mackintosh designed the lighthouse in 1895. This building became the warehouse for the Glasgow Herald Building after being built but in 1999 it became a center for architecture and the arts in the buildings surrounding the lighthouse. The lighthouse features a spiral staircase to the top where there are windows that give a great view of Glasgow. There is a museum on the work done by Charles Rennie Mackintosh below and therefore is a main tourist attraction now in Glasgow. 


Ingram Tea Room

Charles Rennie Mackintosh designed the Ingram Tea Room in 1907. This room is a two-story oak paneled room with a very industrial look. This room was destroyed in 1971 when the building where it was located was destroyed. The design is now being rebuilt by V&A Dundee for a museum in Scotland due to the fact that they think that Mackintosh’s work should be seen by the people. 


Hill House

Charles Rennie Mackintosh first designed the Hill House in 1904. This work is known as his most influential residential design. The design is very vernacular and geometric on the exterior. During the time that he would design these houses, he got a lot of criticism due to the fact he wanted to design the houses the way he wanted and not appeal to the residents he was designing for. The Hill House is still in Scotland today and renovated frequently so the people of Scotland can remember his legacy.


Glasgow School of Art

Charles Rennie Mackintosh designed the Glasgow School of Art in 1899. This is Mackintosh’s first design being completed just when he was 29. The building has a very industrial style and the outside really reflects the inside of the building. Although he designed this building and did most of the work regarding it, he is still not the recorded architect. This building is a very big influence in Mackintosh’s career and a lot of his following designs reflect this same style. This building is really what launched his architectural career


The Flatiron

When I was younger, I was obsessed with my American Girl Doll Samantha. In the movie and books, I distinctly remember her talking about the flatiron building which was being built during the time period her character lived in. So, when my mom finally took me to New York, I begged to go and see the flatiron building. This building still remains one of my favorite buildings in New York City just because of how it’s placed. Being among so many skyscrapers that look almost identical and then seeing a triangle shaped building was super cool to me. Also the fact that when I was younger, I felt like I was having the “Samantha experience” which is something that makes this building stand out to me.

Philadelphia Museum of Art

The Philadelphia Museum of Art is somewhere where I feel at home. I live relatively close to Philadelphia so my family would sometimes take a day trip up there and one thing we would always do is go to the art museum. This museum is usually packed due to the number of movies that have the museum featured in it. One of the coolest parts and most crowded are the steps that are featured in Rocky. Which are always fun to run up. As I got older I became a lot more interested in the art pieces featured in the museum rather than the significance and it became a fun and relaxing day trip with me and my family. Even to this day when I go home, I always try to make it to the art museum.

Headington Hall

Headington Hall was the place of a lot of stress, happiness, and learning for me. I lived here my freshman year as a recruited athlete and I realized during that time, I didn’t want to be the girl who played sports anymore. I decided to stop playing the sport I’ve loved for so long and be just a student for the first time in my life. I met my 2 other amazing roommates here that I am still friends with to this day. Overall, after the whole stress of quitting, I had an amazing time here. Not just because of the fact I had my own bedroom, but I loved being able to spend time with my friends and go on late night adventures with them while we had to beg people to drive us places or just hang out and watch movies with a ton of snacks on the couch. Headington hall was definitely a place where I grew a lot as a college student.

Westminister Abbey

I visited Westminster Abbey when I was 9 years old and fell in love with the detail and intricacies of the building. I went on a trip to London and the one place that has stuck with me to this day is that church. Walking in the grand halls and learning the history behind it was so cool to me and it was amazing to me how a church that is so old is so detailed. I’m not very religious but something about this place felt so nice and grandiose that it made me just want to go back again and look at it from an older perspective. Seeing this building was truly one of the highlights of my childhood.