All posts by dbyers

Salk institute

This building by Louis Kahn is located in San Diego, California. I really enjoy the symmetry of these buildings. The open concept of the buildings are very intriguing along with the balcony type atmosphere. The opening in the middle that separates each string of buildings helps keep the minimalist vibe of the whole place.

Phillips Exeter Academy Library

This building done by Louis Kahn is located in New Hampshire. The interior is the main attraction to me with this building. The circular openings that show off each floor are very nicely done. I also like the contrast of the grey stone with the tan wood at each floor. The overall cubical shape of the building is very fitting for a library.

Kimbell Art Museum

This building done by Louis Kahn is located in Fort Worth, Texas. The open concepts at the ends of the building flows very nicely with the landscape and water features outside of it. The arches on the building are very interesting and make this piece of work even more unique. The overall architecture of this building has a nice kind of flow to it that many cold enjoy.

Bangladesh national parliament

In my opinion, this building designed by Louis Khan is one of his finest works. The shapes used on the building and the symmetry with them are very unique and one of the best features of this building. There is a vast lawn and lake included in the architecture that enhances the project to a whole new level.