All posts by Malcolm Daniels

Prestonwood Church

This here is my church, Prestonwood. This church brings lots of memories and happiness in my life. I remember going to church every Sunday with my dad and brother and meeting up with all of my dads friends and their kids. Some of them I still keep in contact with today. This church has the best food of any church by far. I also came to this church with my dad to practice basketball in the gym. We even went for the Christmas show, which was actually quite amazing. But, the most important thing will be listening to the word of God every Sunday. As a strong Christian, this church will always hold a spot in my life for everything it has ever brought to me.

Hebron hs

This here is Hebron High School. This school comes with many pros and cons, but for the most part, pros. Here is where I gained many of my lifelong friends. Here I had some of the best experiences to shape me into the person I am today. Here is where I met many teachers that I’m still in contact with today. Those teacher not only taught class, but personally taught me about how to be an adult. They taught me how to be successful. I remember I would actually skip class every day to go to my two favorites teachers class’, Coach Rodgers and Mr. Smith. We would talk for hours about stocks, flipping houses, cryptocurrencies, you name it. This school definitely has one of the effects on who I am today and I’m very grateful for it, while still accepting all the negativities.

Oklahoma City skydance

This post is basically a follow up of my last post. After starting my photography business in high school and doing many photo shoots, including senior pictures, prom pictures and even a wedding, I slowly faded away from photography to a point where I basically stopped taking pictures. Then I started my freshman year, and basically sat in my room and did nothing. The one thing I did was travel to Oklahoma City and explore in my free time with my friend Parker. This is where I slowly got my passion back to take pictures, and Parker showed my a ton of nice places. One of these nice places would be the Skydance Bridge in Oklahoma City. In fact, the picture shown above was taken by me. This has a lot of significance because it was a time where I gained my confidence back in photography with pictures so simple, but to me so beautiful.

Bank of America PLAZA

This building carries a lot of significance in my high school life. This building is the Bank of America Plaza in Downtown Dallas. As a high schooler I developed a passion for photography, and even started my own photography business. But, it all started with me and a friend of mine always going to downtown Dallas and trying to get the best picture of this building we could. We mastered every angle and every road to go down to get the perfect picture.