All posts by BrandonPoint

a2a Ambiente, Europe

The A2A Ambiente plant is able to collect plastic collected from differentiated waste collection and, thanks to innovative technologies and automated solutions, recover it as material to be returned to the community, creating value from start to finish. One of the most advanced technological sites in Europe created by A2A Ambiente – an A2A Group company was designed by Giovanni Valotti, and the Chief Executive Officer, Valerio Camerano.

A2a Living – balanagar hyderabad

This new apartment A2A style living in Balanagar, Hyderabad is without the most modern and advanced architecture there is to date. A2A means application to application which means these homes will supply you with every benefit or need possible. Although from my research these types of buildings are very new I would recommend taking a look at what these buildings offer!

A2a smart space

This new headquarters in Brescia will be a poli functional building. The architect Massimo Roj claims that this building will be an example of sustainability and integration between the environment and architecture. The new building is designed for new ways of working and to increase involvement, efficiency, comfort says Giovanni Valotti, president of Progetto CMR. Buildings like this one are without a doubt the way future buildings will look as we move to a safer and healthier life for all.

Twin Buildings – a2a

This beautiful twin style building was first designed in 2008 by Sotiris Anyfantis who partnered with Yiannis Anyfantis to complete the architecture for this building. The team built these buildings with the intention that they are rented only. Most buildings like this will be close to the city or on the coast. These new modern buildings are intended for vacationing or just a high class, modern stay with scenic views and nice restaurants in the area.

Childhood home

I lived in my childhood home coincidently from age 0-18. I ended up moving out of that house right before I came to OU actually. My childhood home means everything to me as that was the place were I have some of my best memories. The layout of the house was perfect for my family. The master bed room was the only room downstairs and the three bedrooms upstairs was perfect for my brothers and I to stay. We had a decent sized backyard. Enough room to play football and soccer. The house was also located near a park that was in walking distance from the house making the location even better. The house has a very common look compared to most houses today. Which I appreciated because I like the style of traditional houses anyway.

The local diner

The Local Diner is a very famous spot where I am from. Easily the best hash-browns south of the red river! The architecture of the Local Diner is very cool as well. The interior is a 50’s vibe with black and white tile running across the top of the walls all the way around. The reason I like the Local Diner is that every time I walk in I feel like I am going back in time. The Local Diner is also one of Coppell’s oldest restaurants which has a lot to say about the architecture of the building as well.

Coppell High school

Coppell High School is a very large building obviously as Coppell High School houses over 4000 students and faculty every year. Coppell has obviously impacted me in a positive way especially without simple and smart the layout of the high school was. The campus has one main area of all the classrooms on two different floors with a gym, cafeteria, and some other office rooms on the far end of the building. All sports-related activities and facilities were located in a completely different building which made it easy to keep school and athletics apart from one another. Overall Coppell high school is a very well constructed building with little to no complaints

St. Anns Church

St. Anns Church is the church that I went to growing up as a kid. The reason St. Anns Church has such a special place in my heart is because of what I’ve learned there. Along with that the architecture of St. Anns is amazing. While you can’t see in the photo but on the inside, the entire upper part of each wall in the main building is stained glass. It reminded me of the gothic and romanesque buildings we learned about earlier this year. I would always love going to church and looking at the different sculptures within the building along with the attention to detail on the creation of the building as well.

By: Brandon Point