All posts by brandonholler99

Bizzell Memorial Library

The Bizzell Memorial Library is one of my favorite buildings on campus. It is so attractive and wonderful to look at. The amazing color and surrounding landscape always brightened my day as I walked to class. It definitely makes me proud to call OU my home. If the beauty of the building wasn’t enough for me, all the memories that the Biz holds would surely make up for it. Every year of my experience has had some significant memory in the library, from freshmen year mandatory fraternity study hours to pulling my first all-nighter studying for finals. It is chalked full of horrible and great times and I wouldn’t trade them for anything.

Burj Khalifa

The Burj Khalifa is the tallest building in the world at 2,722 ft. It is one of the most impressive buildings ever, in my opinion. Both in terms of height and appearance. Its presence is so commanding and attractive at the same time. The whole city of Dubai seems to compliment its figure. I have never been to Dubai to witness it in person but I definitely want to one day. The glass structure is so elegant and artful, yet so simple. The simple modern style is at its peak with this building and is truly a piece of art.

Norman public library

The Norman Public library is a beautiful building, inside and out. I remember when I first saw the building, I turned the car around and drove by it again because I was so impressed by it. I love the simple modern design this building has. I appreciate how it is only glass and metal but yet looks so elegant and sleek. Shortly after I first saw it, a close friend of mine brought up how great the new library looks and we went and looked at it again and went inside. I was very impressed and wished that the library in my home town looked as good as this one does. Whenever I am driving through Norman I often take a detour just to appreciate it.

Panda Express on 3281 CLASSEn BOULEVARD

This may seem like an odd building to appreciate but this specific panda has had a large impact on me. This Panda Express has been the center of so many memories and great meals. I have many meetings here with people which have all made significant impacts on my life. I remember two years ago when I learned that a Panda was being built so close to where I lived, I was ecstatic. When it was finished I was so happy! Not only because Panda is my favorite restaurant but also because of how much I loved the design of the building. I am very much interested and intrigued by modern designs and the simple geometry of the buildings.