All posts by ale_kat

The Cube Tower

This cube tower in Guadalajara, Jalisco Mexico was designed by Carme Pinos in 2004 with her studio Estudio Carme Pinos. It is very similar to her other two commercial projects, with many right angles and lifted, overhanging elements. The middle of this triangular building comes together leaving an open skylight all the way through the top of the building, allowing for more light in the centrally located parts of the building. It looks similar to the popular trend of stacking shipping containers nowadays, for a very unique minimalist, industrial style flair. Her is just obviously on a much grander scale.

Pedestrian bridge in Petrer

This pedestrian bridge was built by Carme Pinos in Alicante, Spain in 1991. This again feel much more like a piece of art or a sculpture than a practical piece of architecture. The curve of the side of the bridge is much softer than the other buildings I have looked at designed by Carme Pinos, and it makes the bridge very inviting and organic feelings. I also really like her use of mixed materials, which the wood floor and dark metal frame.

Vienna university of economics and business

This building was built by Carme Pinos studio back in 2013. It serves as the Vienna University economics and business building for department 4. It seems to have a cubic design with many angular features, just like most of her other buildings. The water feature in the forefront of this picture makes it seem like the building is almost floating in the water. The over hanging bit in the back of the picture also adds to the buildings feeling like it is a floating vessel by making it seem ship like. The intricate design on the sides of the building is very visually appealing and makes your eyes dance around when observing it.

Carme pinos caixaforum zaragoza

Caixaforum Zaragoza

This building was built in Spain in 2014 by Estudio Carme Pinos. One of their goals was to make it feel like a city within a building. They kept the ground floor open to feel more apart of its surroundings while in the lobby, while the two raised halls let you look out into the city. It connects directly to a park to make the outdoor space feel seamless. Its style is very angular and futuristic, making it seems almost like a sculpture in an art park.

Hughbert House

House in Norman

This house is the first house that I ever bought on my own and where I currently reside. It brings me so much joy. It was built in 1923 and was relocated to its current location in the First Courthouse district in the late 1900s. It was completely gutted and redone and the inside by the previous owner, but still has a lot of the charm of an old house, like the big brick fireplace, and original sink. I feel so happy every time I pull into the driveway just knowing that it is my own house. It is very unique and quirky, just like me, and the first time I saw it I wasn’t even in the market to buy a new home. After seeing it pop up on Zillow, I decided right then and there that I was only going to buy a house if it was this house, and that’s exactly what happened. I fell in love with it!

SCW1 Building

Stratcom Wing 1 building on Tinker AFB, OK.

I hate this building. First of all, I think the outside is very ugly. It looks like its straight out of the 70s. It was usually referred to as the “glass palace” for many reasons. Not only did it have glass and windows everywhere, but most of the people who worked inside usually felt like they were holier than thou at all times. I ended up working in this building for the last 2 years of my Navy contract after I had to move due to an injury, and it had an elevator for me. I will never forget the dread I felt walking up to the building, fumbling to find my badge to scan in, and then climbing the windy stairs up to the hallway I worked in. It was also decorated with very tacky and outdated decor on the inside, much like every other military establishment. I hope I never have to go to this building ever again.

Naval air crew candidate school

Naval Air Crew Candidate Schoolhouse in Pensacola, Florida.

This building was a hugely positive influence on me. I attended training here right after bootcamp from August-October in 2013 for my job as a Naval Aircrewman. It was one of the most physically demanding times in my life. We woke up at 4am, we ran 5-10 miles a day, we swam for 2-3 hours in the afternoons, we did other workouts in-between everything, and we kept the building spotless as well. I was taught how to be disciplined and determined here. I would walk out of those doors with so much pride and feelings of accomplishment each day. People who didn’t train here looked at us with envy because of how elite it seemed. I will forever look at this building with my head held high, and remember what it felt like to walked to those halls!

Vail Middle school

Stephen Vail Middle School in Middletown, OH built int 1923.

This building influenced me in a very positive way. I went to school here for 6th, 7th, and 8th grades between the years of 2006-2009. My dad also went to this same school when it was the Middletown High school. It is a gigantic building with the most ornate detailing inside, especially in the auditorium, and I was completely awestruck the first few times I walked through the front doors. There was gold trim and Tiffany chandeliers throughout the school. I met some of my very best friends at this school that I am still in touch with today. I also have some of my best childhood memories at this building after school hours, hanging out with my teammates before volleyball practice. This building was torn down just a few years ago, so now every time I go home I feel sad driving by the big empty lot. It harbored a wonderful atmosphere.