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Headington Hall- Norman, Oklahoma (Post 4)

*This post was originally written by Abbey Crutchmer in the spring of 2017.

When I first saw Headington Hall when I toured OU, I audibly scoffed. It seemed a ridiculous place with a snotty- rich person air about it. I already knew I couldn’t afford to live there when I came to OU so I didn’t even bother to put it on my housing application preference list. The building is beautiful of course, but I didn’t understand why it needed to be so ornate and special in contrast to the other on-campus living options, which, if we’re being honest, are less than stellar sights. To me, and others that I have spoken to, it seemed exclusive and unfair.

However, my opinion has slightly changed in the two and a half years I’ve been here. I actually work at Headington now and I’ve met some of my closest friends there. If I could go back to freshman year I still wouldn’t want to actually live here, but I am thankful that I have had the opportunity to work here and get to know others who live and work here as well.

Millard House

*This post was written by  in the fall of 2016.


At one point of Frank Wright career he began to start using a lot of ideas concerning patterned concrete block. This idea was implied in the project Millard House. He changed the general perception of concrete blocks to be ugly and not beautiful. The price of this house rocketed sky high reaching almost $8,000,000.


Wright used 2 different styes in this project, the organic architecture and textile block house. The organic architecture can be seen where he infused the spirit of nature surrounding the house. The house is surrounded  with plants, trees and there’s a pond located somewhere near the entrance of the house.aaaa