All posts by acostaz98



This particular building represents the opportunities it has given me to pay for my bills that allow me to live. This place has provided me with money for the past two years and flexibility unlike any other place. They understand that I am not going to be there long term and continuously encourage me to strive for success in school and apply to law school. Upon my first day I did not know what to expect and was frightened by the horror stories I heard about retail.

acme brick park

During my childhood my family would often take me to the park so I could run around with my friends and enjoy the outdoors. The park I remember the most was in my hometown of Clinton, Oklahoma and the name was Acme Brick Park. The park itself served as a key symbol of entertainment during my childhood because it was the place where my imagination would run more wild than myself. I enjoyed playing at this park very much when I was younger and when I pass by the park during my visits home it reminds me of a simple time in my life. The park during my first encounter was a wonderful place filled with all sorts of things to climb, swing from, and run around.

Adams center

The Adams center was my home for one year on campus and it served its purpose well. The building struck me with the realization that I was on my own for the fist time, and that I would need to adjust to this experience. I felt that the building on the outside reminded me of a hotel, one that I would be staying at for an extended period of time. Walking through the doors I realized that this was the first step to growing up, and the interior made me feel included. Ultimately the building to me meant a home away from home, and the process of growing as a person took place in Adams for a brief period of time.

OU Union

University of Oklahoma Memorial Union

One of the first buildings I encountered at OU was the Union. This building stood as a symbol of inclusivity and engagement to me at the University of Oklahoma. As soon as I saw the building and went inside I knew that I had made the right decision to attend this university, it was homely. I felt included and knew I belonged at OU. The building itself is a grand symbol of elegance and matches the surrounding architecture at the University of Oklahoma as a building filled with intellect and congregation.

ONe Charles center

Designed by Mies Van Der Rohe

The One Charles Center was designed by Mies Van Der Rohe in 1962 in the state of Maryland. It is a 23 story skyscraper that was viewed as the first modernistic office building in downtown Baltimore. The introduction of international modernism was influential to the city of Baltimore to help continually spark the modern movement during the 60s in Baltimore. The tall skyscraper captures modern beauty with a unique “T” shape from the front showing a sense of creativity inside professionality. The use of space as seen in many of Mies Van Der Rohe’s buildings is evident in this one as well in the sense that the lobby is very spacious and open for congregation. The reinforced concrete and steel structure utilized the open space for retail and underground parking. Similar to many of Mies Van Der Rohe’s various designs, the One Charles Center continuously affirms the unique design style/influence that he held in the architecture world.

Barcelona pavilion

Designed by Mies van der Rohe

This building designed by Mies Van Der Rohe was a symbol of German architecture representative of spatial use and the influence it had on the world. The building has beautiful marble accenting the transparent glass that captures the various use of space by Mies Van Der Rohe. The empty space was meant as something to be enjoyed in tranquility by the people who came to visit the building. Encountering this building causes captivation as the impressive design of the building captures elegance and beauty in a sleek manner. I find the building to be awe inspiring and shows the manner of how Mies Van Der Rohe utilized high quality materials, transparent materials, and large open spaces to show creativity.

Farnsworth house

Designed by Mies van der Rohe

The Farnsworth house is a home designed by Mies Van Der Rohe and regarded as one of the most significant buildings ever designed by Mies Van Der Rohe. The building captured the modernist ideals that were being implemented around the 1950s. Mies Van Der Rohe was looking to utilize the space in a modern and simplistic manner that he could not do with larger scale projects. When encountered you can imagine the thoughts Mies Van Der Rohe had and understand the sleek and simple look the Farnsworth house has to it. The building is not a giant awe inspiring building, but a small package packed with imagination and ideas. The expression of the building looks to inspire architects to explore simple designs that capture modern ideals. I find this building to be an excellent display of expression.

Seagram building

The Seagram building as designed by Mies Van Der Rohe

This building was designed by architect Mies Van Der Rohe and constructed in 1957 as a skyscraper in Midtown Manhattan, New York City. The Seagram building has a stone lobby that compliments the glass and bronze outside features. At the time of it’s completion the Seagram building was regarded as the most expensive skyscraper ever built with a $41 million construction cost. The building represents the desire for elegance and beauty of taller buildings and the welcoming invitation to congregate around the building in a plaza located in front of the Seagram building. This building has been recognized as an official landmark by the state of New York. Mies Van Der Rohe was regarded as a unique architect as he never actually attended any design school yet he directed a school himself.