Casa de Musica

Home to the National Orchestra of Porto in Porto, Portugal, this structure has Rem Koolhaas written all over it in the ink of unparallel lines, subtly-textured and continuous patterns. The building is asymmetric, the seemingly cut off corners look to be different sizes, and the windows do not follow what a window normally looks like. The window of the entrance has one corner wrap around to the other side as the other three corners stay behind. The window on the left leans toward the ground. The window on top of the building is trapezoidal. You can see a cross-cut pattern subtly running across the surface of the buildings, but not parallel to any of its edges. I feel that this building is a great example of Rem Koolhaas’ imagination and creativity, breaking from right angles, parallel lines, and what windows should look like. So entertaining to look at!

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