The national french library

Wow. The first moment your eyes set sight on this design, you know you are in the presence of greatness.
As I began my research of Dominique Perrault the National French Library was the first and most prominent thing that came up in the searches. A quick look at his wikipedia page shows dozens upon dozens of projects he has worked on, so what makes this one so special?

I ask you only to look at this image. The symmetry is immediately noticeable, but beyond that this design seems to mirror not only itself, but everything around it. The reflective design of the outter building mimics the colors of the sky around it, enabling the massive contruct to appear almost natural and futuristic all at once. It is designed to contain the knowledge of the people of France, but rather that looking like a container, it appears open and inviting. The design calls out for more. Rather than meerly holding knowledge, as though there is no limit to what it can hold.

This is the design that supposedly lifted Perrault to world fame, and it seems reasonable to me.

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