Jeanne Gang Blog 4

For my last two blogs about what Jeanne Gang has accomplished with her amazing designs and her strive to make her building as clean and environmentally safe as possible, I wanted to choose a couple of buildings not in America. This is the Hyderabad O2 in Hyderabad, India and it was built in 2008. Hyderabad 02 transforms the traditional Indian courtyard house into a new porous building type that serves a much larger-scale development, increasing the positive benefits of density in a major urban center. This building is also absolutely massive at 1.3M SF. One of the main things she’d tried to do with this building is incorporate greenery in with the building. This cube-like structure wraps an ample, semi-public courtyard that reveals a faceted interior, stippled with a system of fissure-like corridors that channel breezes through the space and provide natural ventilation for the apartments. Looking into Jeanne Gangs work has been a very exciting and a great learning experience. These builiding and designs are so interesting and so grand it is almost hard to believe that they are even real.

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