Grand Egyptian Museum by Róisín Heneghan

Rendering of the Grand Egyptian Museum in Cairo, Egypt

Although its opening has been delayed until the end of 2020, the Grand Egyptian Museum seems to be one of the biggest and most anticipated cultural openings of the year. This spectacular building, first announced in 1992, is located near the Pyramids of Giza, which the design is modeled off. It will be home to nearly 100,000 Egyptian artifacts ranging from pre-history all the way to the Greco-Roman periods of Egypt. The entire site is bigger than the entire Vatican City. At over 480,000 square miles, the museum will commemorate the architectural feats of the past, while being its own feat in the present day. I personally think the site looks awesome. The mirroring of the Pyramids in its structure, as well as its unique design make it one of the coolest places I have ever seen. I genuinely want to see the project finished and would love to go visit it at some point.

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