grand central Station, nyc

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This is a building unfamiliar to few. Grand Central Station, also known as Grand Central Terminal, opened in 1913. It was originally meant for railroads, but now that it had been transformed to meet the need of modern day New Yorkers, it has become a hot spot for tourism. Covering 48 acres, it is a sight to be seen. So, why is this important to me? I had the privilege to enter Grand Central Terminal at the age of 13. I have always lived in a small town of Oklahoma, and New York City is the craziest place I have had the honor in visiting. Seeing places that I had only seen on tv growing up like Grand Central Station definitely had an impact on me. It was a positive one. It helped me to realize that if I wanted to, I could continue visiting places like these. Coming from a small town that never felt like a possibility. After my visit, I knew that it will always be an option, if I choose to take it.

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