Step Tower (Eastern Design Office)

The Step Tower in Osaka, Japan.

The Step Tower in Osaka, Japan stands out amongst the bricks and bright colors that surround the structure and really help it stand out. This building was inspired by ships and maritime feelings. The flow of the building and the curved designs are supposed to remind one of the flowing ocean as the ship cuts through the waves bringing peace to those who are within it. Located in the center of town, the building is well known in the growing town that really ties together the ideas that the city is growing and becoming more and more modern. For those living within the building each floor has a larger and larger view of the city skyline that contribute to the simple, clean, and neat feeling that was the intention of the project from the beginning. I think this is an interesting structure and although it is intended to stand out amongst the things around it, I don’t find this structure to make a lot of sense to me and I don’t feel that there is enough for me to really feel the ship and maritime feeling that the firm was going for.

-William Cole Miller

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