Hotel Ninja Black (Eastern Design Office)

Hotel Ninja Black located in Kyoto, Japan.

The Hotel Ninja Black is a structure that is focused on being a symbol of the historical purpose of the Ninja. Quiet and operating in the shadows while still being a felt presence in society as a whole. The client of the building has traced their lineage back to a group of people connected with the Ninja disciplines so they may be a descendent of one of these mysterious “people of the shadows”. The lobby of the hotel has a deep pit dug in the floor that is filled with sharpened sticks covered by a very thick pane of glass to give the illusion that there are traps and mysterious things await anyone who decides to stay there. Many of the doors are built seamlessly into the walls along with all of the staff being dressed as ninjas to truly embrace the essence of the building as a whole. In addition to all of these aspects there are shuriken, throwing stars, that are decoratively stuck in walls and optical illusions of ninja silhouettes are randomly projected on the walls at times to complete the experience. I think this would be one of the coolest places to stay within Japan and would truly be an experience that would interest visitors and help immerse them in the culture of the country and feel as if they are a part of the shadows.

-William Cole Miller

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