Gerrit Rietveld: De Ploeg

De Ploeg is a textile factory in Bergeijk designed by Gerrit Rietveld in 1956-1960. Again, we can see his love of geometric shapes in his work. I think that this is my favorite building by him, just because it is a factory yet it looks more interesting and more aesthetically pleasing than most building we see in our everyday lives! When I think of innovative designs for factories I tend to think it is a new concept, yet this was designed in 1960. I think it is extremely unique and impressive. The factory was restored but used Rietveld’s original designs. Rietveld also designed the factory with the employees in mind. You can see on the right side of the picture above that each wall had a huge skylight to allow natural light into the factory. He also included a park or garden outside the factory that would allow employees to relax in a green space.

Renovated but still followed his designs. You can see the geometric patterns he was famous for.
Before the renovation. Note the amount of natural light let into the building.
Before it was renovated
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