ledbetter house by bruce goff

The Ledbetter House was designed and built by famous architect Bruce Goff in 1948. I was surprised to learn this house is actually on 701 West Brooks Street in none other than Norman, Oklahoma. Our university (the University of Oklahoma) is the owner of this fine building and it is actually recognized as a historical place adding to a list of other recognized buildings by Goff. He has also made many more contributions to our university including some teaching. I am glad that I accidently stumbled across this building when looking at the architect list. I chose Goff at random and when I started researching his work, I saw the Ledbetter House and an interest in an old Pearl Jam song led me to click on it. I cannot remember seeing this house but I will now be on the lookout for it when I drive around campus. This is a really cool and unique building design, which Goff is known for, that I would definitely take time out of my day to marvel at.

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