Chicago’s Symphony center

In high school I loved the experience of playing violin with the school orchestra. Every year, we would take a trip to a different city and compete at a competition. For the trip of my Junior year we had the opportunity to visit Chicago and also hear one of the best symphony’s in the world, the CSO. The Chicago Symphony Orchestra plays at the Symphony Center which has a huge performance hall. It was amazing to see how large it was and the design of the building inside. It is a fun experience to get dressed up and see so many other people dressed nicely to come enjoy the symphony. It is an experience I highly recommend. It is amazing to me how the sound fills the space and you can hear such a seemingly small instrument from so far away (we were seated high up in the hall). I also would have never guessed that such a huge performance hall fit so perfectly inside of a building that didn’t look big enough to from the outside. You would have no idea that it was there just passing by.


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