Reunion Tower is one of the most recognizable buildings in the entire city and holds a lot of the city’s history. The tower stands out among all other buildings there because of the giant lit up ball that sits on the top of the tower. That ball holds a restaurant as well as a large hall for gatherings. One of the most interesting things about this ball is that it is constantly rotating 360 degrees, so while you are sitting at a table eating you can look out the window every 20 minutes with an entirely different view. This building means so much to me because it is where our 4th grade graduation was held, and as silly as that sounds it was something I will always remember because it was the first time I was really taken back by how great of a city I live in. It also means a lot to me because anytime there is a big event or tragedy the lights on the building are colored and designed to pay respect to whatever is going on. So when the Mavs won the NBA championship in 2014 you could see their symbol on the ball from anywhere in down town.

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