Oklahoma City skydance bridge

This is technically not a “building”, but it is a great example of how architecture can be used as art as well. This “hybrid architecture” structure was placed near downtown as a monument to the states bird, the scissor-tailed flycatcher. I have been to this bridge many times with family and friends, and every time it is a new experience. First of all, standing on that bridge and just watching the cars go by is cool alone. I could probably just sit up there on one of the benches for hours, listening to the cars and watching the sun set. The closer you get to the structure, the more detail you can see. The first time I experienced this piece of architectural art, I was surprised by the fact that is is made up of a bunch of smaller rectangles of metal connected by bolts and longer thin pieces of metal. Before visiting it for the first time, driving past it on the highway I had never been able to get a good look at it, as I am usually going 65+ miles per hour, so I would only get 5 second glimpse of it before it is too far behind to see in my rear view mirror. I am grateful that this structure was made accessible to the public by a bridge, as it lets us get up close so we are able to appreciate the work that went into designing it. The changing colors of the structure is also very pleasing. I have been in many photos on this bridge, and the different colors sets a different mood for each picture. I think it is really cool that we have something like this to represent the state. Someone from Texas might not understand, as they probably will not make the connection between our state bird and this structure, but as an Oklahoman, I am appreciative of the designers for giving us something interesting to look at on our drive home. I have seen this structure so many times driving to and from Norman from Edmond, but every time I pass it I can’t help but take a moment to just look directly at it and admire it, and remember all the fun memories I have made on that bridge.

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