
This home constructed atop Kehlstein, a mountain in the Alps, was once the property of Adolf Hitler. Nicknamed Eagle’s Nest, the structure has an incredible view over the surrounding lands. The property was rarely used by Hitler since he didn’t trust the elevator used to reach the top of the mountain.

My family visited the location in 2014. While the location and view are supposed to be incredible, my trip was rather fittingly eerie. We entered through the tunnel which was long, damp, and echoed with every step. A polished brass elevator lifted us up to the peak of the mountain where we were met by nothingness. A cloud had rolled over the mountain by the time we reached the top, causing visibility to drop to just a few feet in front of you.

An experience that is meant to be beautiful with a dark history turned out to be entirely ominous. The mountaintop views that typically stretch on for miles were replaced by an endless sea of fog. Standing on the edge of the cliff felt like you were staring off into the River Styx. Given the abundance of beautiful views in the Alps, a trip that would have been unique only for the history became an unforgettable experience.

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