The Alamodome

Throughout high school, I had a plethora of chances to perform in amazing venues for band. I previously wrote about Carnegie Hall however, the Alamodome deserves a place on my list of buildings that has impacted me. I performed here three times, each time we competed against 86 other bands for a chance to be one of the top 14 bands and advance to finals. There are two times when I performed that truly impacted me. The first again was my sophomore year. I had a vocal solo and sang in front of thousands of people. It was nerve wracking and thrilling at the same time. The cut off of the band before my solo rang throughout the vast space, sounding like claps of thunder and once it was silent, my voice and my voice alone was the only sound in the building. It’s something that I haven’t experienced since then. The second time was my senior year, my band had made finals and it was my last performance. I remember the end of our show, we all brought our horns down and the feeling of “wow, I’m done, that’s it” rushed over me. Four years of hard work was now finished and there was nothing more that could be done. It was a bitter-sweet moment and I’m so incredibly glad that it was something that I got the chance to experience.

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