Nashville parthenon

While I have not had the privilege of going to Athens to see the original Parthenon, I did get to see this replica when I was in in Nashville, TN. I don’t know if other people are aware this is in Nashville, because personally I had no idea and I didn’t hear anyone talk about it. My family only found out it was there by taking a bus tour of the city. I would think that this would be a major attraction! It is an exact size replica of the Parthenon in Athens and inside is a full size replica of the 42 foot Athena statue covered in real gold. It truly is a sight to see. Even though it is a replica, it has a history of its own. The Parthenon in Nashville was only supposed to be a temporary exhibit so it was made with cheap materials. People ended up loving it so much and it got so many visitors that Nashville decided to tear it down and construct a new permanent one which opened in 1931. Now it is also the home of Nashville’s art museum.

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