Martha’s Vineyard and Cape Cod, Massachusetts

The Cape, as locals and surrounding residents call it, has standing architecture from the early settlements built by those that traveled to the America’s in the 1700-1800’s. Most structures include the original framing and facades while being renovated inside to fit present-day sustainable needs. The upkeep of landscapes and the buildings is crucial because of the proximity to the ocean where risk of rust and other deteriorating effects can occur. 

This past summer, I was fortunate enough to go on a trip with a friends’ family to Cape Cod. There I was able to take a ferry to Martha’s Vineyard to experience the beautiful architecture that has been standing since the early 1800’s. Houses proudly display signage that tell stories of what happened and who lived there. Most of the houses and buildings looked the same but one could tell that some were younger than the rest due to the changes in design. The architecture throughout the island created part of its identity that rings true to this day. The colonial renditions encompassed in each building gives an insight to the history of where the original settlers were from and what influenced their choice in design.

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