1000 Hills ranch Church

If you are thinking the picture above looks like a livestock arena, you’d be correct! The picture above is of my church back home, 1000 Hills Ranch Church. The church is housed in a livestock auction arena, where horses and cattle can be brought in to aid in the preacher’s message. Typically, our preacher will be on his horse as he preaches the message on Sunday morning. When my church first originated, there was no building for it to be housed so, the preacher decided to have it in a livestock arena to exemplify the idea that 1000 hills is a come as you are church. Meaning you don’t have to have on your Sunday best to attend a service. Even though the church was founded around 10 years ago, we still hold Sunday services in the livestock arena while our actual church building is under construction. This building is very important to me. This was the building where my faith with God grew closer than ever. Before attending this church, we had not found a place of worship to call home, but 1000 hills church is so down to Earth and comfortable that my family and I fit right in and loved it. Needless to say, I found God in a livestock auction arena. 

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