The Basílica de la Sagrada Família


La Sagrada Familia is what immediately came to mind when thinking of posts for this blog. I saw the basilica in the summer of 2018 and it was by far one of the most breathtaking buildings I have ever seen. The best way I think I can describe it is imagine a sandcastle built by the gods. Although construction of the building began under a different architect, Antoni Gaudi is credited for overseeing almost all of the project and giving it his signature flowing style. It has taken well over a hundred years to build the basilica due to various political and financial difficulties, but also due to the sheer size and complexity of the building itself. Standing at 560ft, it very quickly overwhelms you at the sheer level of detail on such a massive scale. I managed to get some really good pictures of it from across the park, where many people like to photograph the basilica over the water. Pictures really don’t do it justice however. For me, the basilica is a reminder at the beauty that human beings are capable of when we all contribute toward a single goal.

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